The Secret

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The next day , you woke up its 5:03 am.You saw Angel crying at the corner of her bed. You also saw Shadow awake thinking of Maria. You just scratched your head and greeted them happily pretending you didn't saw them.

"Good morning Angel , Shadow!!" You said cheerfully.

"Oh..uh! Good morning too (y/n)!" Angel sniffles while removing tears and getting her ipad. "Soo..uhhmm.. Did you sleep well (y/n)?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes I do! And uhmm..I saw you crying I think...Is there something wrong?" You asked sinscerely.

"Huh? W-what? O-Oh! I'm not crying! I am just Uhh..umm..thinking about my past! Yeah thinking my past!" Angel lied.

"Hmm..I don't think so. When Sonic and I fall asleep you guys are awake , something happened right?" You asked

"Uhh..there's nothing!! Nothing happened I swear!!" She lied again.

"Tsk..yeah right.." Shadow whispered while rolling his eyes.

"Crap..I wish Shadow wont find out my secret...also what happened yesterday..Ugh think of something to change the subject...hmm..morning...woke up..ahah!! I got it!" Angel said in her mind.

"Psst.. You really know I could read minds right? And what kind of secret are you talking about?" Shadow glared at Angel

"Uhh..uhmm..n-nothing! I'm going to cafè to order some breakfast hehe.." Angel lied again while opening the door.

When she opened the door, Shadow teleported behind her and grabbed her arm. She was surprised and she was paralyzed for some time...She can't think of something..all she could think is Fuck it! How can I escape?! Come on Angel, think of something to escape!!. Shadow smirked and hold her arm thighter. You just stand there watching them.You saw Angel is shivering. "Oh? Afraid as I could say?" Shadow smirked while saying it evily. "L-let go of me!" Angel yelled nervously. "No. Not until you say the secret also you thought last night." Shadow said evily. "No! L-let go of me!" Angel said while struggling trying to get away. You just saw Sonic is just sitting there , watching.

Angel : Let me go or I'm gonna be forced to kill you!
Shadow : Kill? Hah! Weakling.
Angel : Grr..!! -pushes him away-
Shadow : Tsk...really a weakling. -holds thighter-
Angel : GAAH!! -struggles more- It hurts!! >_<
Shadow : Just tell me the secret and I'll let go of you!
Angel : I wont!
Shadow : Tsk...brat!
Sonic : Shadow..It's morning why are you arguing with a girl?
Shadow : Shut up , Faker! I need to know her secret!
Sonic : Why don't you invade her mind?
Shadow : Idiot. She keeps blocking it. She knows how to control her mind more.
(Y/N) : Just let go of her , Shadow.

You heared all the door opened. Everybody got out and saw Shadow holding Angel's arm tightly and Angel is struggling. Everybody gasped.

Cream : Mister Shadow , please stop! She's hurt!
Shadow : No ones gonna order me around!
Angel : S-stop!! -bites lower lip-
Shadow : Just let that crap out of it!
Angel : M-My arm! -arm is wounded and bleeding badly-
Shadow : Tsk! -let's go-
Angel : Urgghh!! -holds arm-
Knuckles : Call a nurse!!
Sonic : On it! -runs away-
Skyler : What the heck Shadow?! Why did you do that?!
Shadow : Fuck you! I didn't scratched her!!
Rennea : Then why she have a wound?!
Shadow : Tskk..I don't know!!
Glaze : You're gonna pay for this Shadow!!
Shadow : Tsk..yeah right.

Everybody waited Sonic to come back until Sonic came back carrying a nurse. The nurse holds a first aid kit and wrapped a bandaid around the wound. Angel moaned badly. She felt weak and fainted. Everybody carried her to the Hospital and layed her on a bed.

Knuckles : Her wound is really deep I say.
Sonic : Yeah..I wonder how did she got it.
Rouge : Oh my.. If that happens to me I would definetely kick Shadow.
Silver : Where's Shadow anyway?
Blaze : Outside. Skyler and her other bestfriends scolded Shadow.
Knuckles : Say (Y/N) , What happened? Why is Shadow holding Angel's arm so tightly?
(Y/N) : Well.. I only knew he read her mind and he tells something about secret and what she think last night?

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