The New Hedgehog

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Hey guys!! New chapter I hope this time you guys meet Sonic. I'm not his fan duhhh!! Well please wait for others thank you because I like long stories xD!!
It's afternoon.Its been 2 hours since Eggman locked you in. You are very hungry and asked Eggman for food. But he only gave you 2 apples.Then after you ate the apple you felt a relief. Suddenly the system broke so it send crashing to the ground. (Möbius world) You fainted for a while and Eggman too. The capsule is still not broken. 30 minutes later Dr.Eggman and you are awake. You saw Dr.Eggman smirked so you thought he has an evil plan.

(Y/N) : Why are you smiling?!
Dr.Eggman : Oh , Nothing~ Jsut wanted to experiment you! -pushes a button-
(Y/N) : Gaaaahhh!! -taps the capsule-
Dr.Eggman : Ohohohohohoh!!

A stainless cylinder covered the capsule. You felt sleep so you fall asleep. While you are sleeping a liquid like water but green filled the capsule but you can still breathe. After some minutes you become a hedgehog with (F/C) fur , (F/C) Eyes , (F/C) Skin , (if you wanted wings then you have whatever you wanted!) (F/C) hair. Eggman laughed so hard and go outside to eat something (cuz he's hungry yay xD)

(While outside :P)
Sonic : Hehe! Think ya can catch me Shadz! -run-
Shadow : Ggrrr..!
Sonic : Huh?! -stops infront of a ship-
Shadow : Hhmm...?? -stops-
Sonic : It's Eggman's ship!! He's back! Time to kick his butt!
Shadow : Hmm.. -thinks to myself- *I feel there's another Lifeform than Eggmannbut who?*
Sonic : What's wrong Shadz? Ya scared?
Shadow : No just checking something now let's get inside Faker.
Sonic : Hehe yeah! -walks inside-
Shadow : Shut up , Idiot! -walks inside-

Sonic and Shadow walked inside and a bunch of robots are infront of them. They fought it then they started to open every doors except the black door. It's locked. They tried to get in by destroying it, opening and teleporting but failed. Then they felt Eggman is comming in so they hide.

Dr.Eggman : -walks in while pressing a button- Hhmm..hmmm~~
Shadow : Sshh..let's sneak in while he's not looking , idiot.
Sonic : Ok , sounds like a plan!
Shadow and Sonic : -sneaks in quietly and hide behind the machine-
Dr.Eggman : Ohohohoh! My new invention is a success!! They didn't know that the machine have chaos energy !! When I maked that brat into a hedgehog she didn't know a large chaos energy sucked inside her that makes her a weapon so I could destroy the world and make an eggplanet by controling her! Ohohohoh!
Sonic : -gasps-
Shadow : Crap...
Sonic : -stands on the machine- Hey Eggman! Is it Party time?!
Dr.Eggman : Oh, isn't it Sonic the hedgehog?!

Suddenly the wall behind them broke and saw they're friends.Dr.Eggman pressed a button and summon a bunch of robots.While they are fighting you woke up. You saw a white hedgehog with weird haircut infront of the cylinder trying to break it. It was Silver the Hedgehog.

Silver : Oh hi! I'm Silver the Hedgehog , don't worry I'll let you outta here...
Sonic : Let me handle it Sil!
Silver : Okay! I'm gonna fight Eggdragon!
Sonic : Ok! -spin dash-

Then the capsule broke. Sonic carried you outside and lay to beside the tree. You saw his Emerald Green eyes shining. It was so beautiful and sparkling. His smile brights your day too. Then he stared at you. You blushed and look away. He touched your chin and forced you to look at him. He saw your (F/C) eyes. Your eyes are sparkling as his too. You blushed more than before. Sonic giggled suddenly. You blushed more redder than Knuckles. Then Sonic leaned near to you.

(Y/N) : Uhhh..uhh..H-Hi..??
Sonic : Hi! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, nice to meet you!! -smiles-
(Y/N) : Ohh..Uhh.. I'm (Y-Y/N)... -blushes-
Sonic : Wow! A beautiful name to a beautiful lady! -smiles more-
(Y/N) : Oh! Uh..Thanks.. -thinks- *Did he just gave a compliment?!* -blushes-
Sonic : Stay here. I'll be right back just shout my name and I'll come if you need something or other.
(Y/N) : S-sure! -blushes-

Sonic walked away and dashed in the ship. You blushed so hard and you thought he's gonna kiss you. But when you blinked you saw a robot hold you tight and flew you away. You shouted Sonic's name but the robot covered your mouth. Sonic came back and he saw you a robot carries you. He goes up and saved you. He carried you down and keep blushing. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead and no one noticed it. You blushed more.

(Y/N) : Huuhh..??
Sonic : Heh! I told you to say my name..
(Y/N) : I-I'm so sorry!! The robot covered my mouth..
Sonic : It's ok I'm here! -winks-
(Y/N) : T-thank you... -blushes more-
Knuckles : You're okay---Woah? Who's that?
Sonic : (Y/N). I saved her from the capsule.
Knuckles : Ok.
Silver : Let's get her home.
Everyone : Alright!!
(Y/N) : -smiles-
Me : Lol! You kissed her forehead but you guys just met!
Sonic : Hey! I only did that so she could feel comfortable!!
Me : But she blushed even more~
Sonic : Shut up!
Me : -giggles-
(Y/N) : -hits her head- Ggrr...
Me : Hey! What was that for?!
(Y/N) : Teasing.
Me : Atleast I maked you a Sonic x Reader! =>_<=
(Y/N) : Fine~
Me : Lol!

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