One Call

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Qulsum's POV.

I opened my bag and rummaged through to find Ma's number. I just wanna talk to her. It hasn't even been a day here and I hate it already.


I woke up and Yaseen was standing there looking out the window.

"How did you get in here." I ask keeping my voice stern, exactly the way he does.

"Good morning to you too." He says turning around to face me.

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? Are you sick?" He asks sitting down onto the bed beside me.

"What?" I was confused. Why is he being nice?

"Come on let's eat. Our flight is in 2 hours."

"Oh yeah!" I say quickly getting up.

We head down and I see my mother in law. Standing and smiling her cute smile.

"Ma!" I squeal and she puts her arms out and I hug her.

"I knew she'd be happy." Yaseen says and I turn towards him.

"Thanks." I say and he grins.

Suddenly I hear a loud noise like a door knock. I put my hands over my ears and my eyes shoot open.


I look around realizing I was still in my room no one was around.. It was just a silly dream.

The banging however was still going.

"Who is it?" I call out.

"Ma'am there's a phone call for you." I hear a lady's voice and shoot up. If its Yaseen Imma be mad.

I wrapped my hijab around myself and opened the door. It was Yaseen's phone. Which meant it wasn't him.

I take the phone and go back in.

"Hello?" I say nervously.

"Sumi, how are you?" Her soft voice washed away all my anger and loneliness.

"Assalmualaikum ma." I whisper and I could just picture her smiling.

"Walaikumsalam, what's wrong? You seem down."

"No, I just miss you..a lot." I say.

I could hear loud machine noises. Where was she?

"What's all that noise?" I ask.

She chuckles.

"Wait until you come. It's a surprise. I know you'll love it." She says and I grin. A little too much.

"Oh! I can't wait to get back. I feel so lonely here."

"Aw. Well I get a little lonely but my friends keep me company during the day. But none can take your place."

"But you have Yaseen"

"Sometimes, even when you're surrounded with can feel alone."

"Sumi, don't say things like that please. I really wish you were here by me. I feel incomplete without the two of you."

I didn't respond.

"Ok enough of the sad stuff. How is there? Is it beautiful?" She asks and I smile.

"I haven't really gone out yet."

"Well both of you Go! Oh and make sure you guys bring me something."

QulsumWhere stories live. Discover now