Chapter Two: The Hall of Spirits

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"Will silent be; and not a soul to tell

Why thou art desolate, can e'er return."

~John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn"


Soundtrack of the chapter: Zephyrus by Jo Blankenburg

Media: My newest design for the entire Celestial Chronicles box set.


Chapter Two: The Hall of Spirits

"Here, have my jacket." Thomas offered Cady who was scrunched up against the sides of the uncomfortable carriage, shivering like a leaf from the cold night air.

"It's f-f-fine Thomas. You look cold too," Cady chattered, much to her annoyance.

"I insist."

Ignoring Cady's protests, he wrapped his large, woolen jacket around her and held her down every time she tried to wriggle out.

Cady finally gave in and snuggled deeper into Thomas' jacket. It was drizzling outside. With the soft patter of the rain acting as a soothing lullaby, she began to nod off.

The other Oracles were whispering in the front row. One was rubbing his hands together from the chill. Cady leaned to the side and her head found something warm and sturdy—Thomas' shoulder.

"Thomas," said Cady.

Thomas shifted.

"Wake me up when we reach the Hall of Spirits."

He smiled. "Definitely, now sleep."

Cady obeyed. And her mind drifted off to Josh.


Cady woke up to someone prodding her on the shoulder.

"Hey, sleeping beauty. We're here."

She jerked up, banging her head on the carriage roof. Her heart felt like a lump of lead—cold and heavy with dread.

This is it. This is the Hall of Spirits.

Zoroth sensed her unease and tried to placate her.

"Do not worry, little one. If we keep up our disguise, they will never suspect anything."

Zoroth's words did little to sooth her anxiety. Clambering out of the carriage in a most unlady-like manner, she almost landed in mud puddle if not for Thomas who caught her arm.

"Easy there, the Hall of Spirits isn't going to run."

I really wish it would. Cady thought. Then I wouldn't need to be here.

"Ugh, it's freezing." Another girl emerged from the carriage, her arms wrapped tight across her chest. "Raphine Sanguinis better prepare some hot soup for us."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Can you stop thinking about food, Jo?"

The girl—Jo—shrugged. Her dark plaits came loose and fell around her toned shoulders. Cady liked her at once; she had slanted eyes that showed her proud heritage with a friendly grin plastered upon her face. Somehow, she reminded Cady of her ex-roommate—Lydia.

A set of silver portcullis towered before the group. Two blazing torches flanked the massive structure, casting a brilliant sheen of light around them.

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