Chapter Nine: The Five Founders

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"Is a torrent that carries away

All the nests and singing branches

Tangled among blocks of ice

Which were the springs of yesterday."

-Stephen Spender, "The Little Coat"


Soundtrack of the chapter: Icarus by Ivan Torrent (DO PLAY IT!)

Media: Eli Sanguinis ( ignore the fact that he plays Anakin Skywalker, okay? Okay)


Chapter Nine: The Five Founders

"You said you went out for a walk," Eli fumed. "What kind of walk takes up the whole night?"

"A long, long one?" Cady suggested.

Eli had to resist the urge to snap his staff into two. "Don't lie to me now, Cady. You broke the curfew by being outside the Hall grounds before dawn. You know the consequences."

"I just needed a walk. I feel better when I am in the open."

Cady had her face titled at him in defiance. She definitely looked healthier. Her eyes were shining and her cheeks rosy-a good sign of recuperation.

His gaze softened. "Alright, explanation accepted. But you still can't avoid the punishment."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to give me a beating?"

Eli pondered on that for a moment before he grinned. "Nope, you've got a lot of polishing to do, Oracle."


"What is this place? Cady coughed, waving a hand wildly before her. "It's so....dusty."

"It's the Hall museum." Eli drew her toward another metal door. "The High Priest hates this place, it reminds him too much of the Great War. So it's been long abandoned."

"Then why are you taking me here?" Cady's face scrunched up at the great expanse of cobwebs traversing the cramped corridor.

Eli slid a key into the lock. There was a small 'click' and he pushed the door open.

"I come here once in a while, sorting out the old pieces of relics and treasures. I could use some help though, for there are many places up high that I cannot reach."

Cady's gaze fell to Eli's concealed foot. "Oh...I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault. Come on in."

Eli stepped aside, making space for Cady. His eyes veered about the large chamber, taking in the familiar sight of dusty tables, cracked glass panes, upset baubles, old parapets and statues. Linen sheets were thrown over the larger exhibitions while others were exposed to the decay of time. This chamber used to be the Oracles' glory, the crown jewel of all Halls, until those recreants came and trampled on them until nothing but dust remained. Sadness filled Eli's heart.

"Well, it's very impressive." Cady observed. "In a very dusty way, I suppose."

Eli gestured at Cady. "Come, I have something to show you."

He led her through a small path shoved from the clutter. Using his staff, he nudged a few stray objects back into place. Cady contrived to follow him, looking around like a child lost in a carnival of treats. She must love relics too.

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