The Time Has Come(part 1)

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Yashiama: Because I love you grandma.

Yashiama:So what are we gonna do first.

Grandma:How about we bake a cake it'll be fun.

Yashiama:Thats a great idea!Ill get the ingredients!

Few Minutes Later

Grandma:The cakes done.

Yashiama:Yay!The cakes done!

I ran down the stairs to a chocolate cake with vanilla icing.I got a piece and ate a spoon full at a time.


Few Minutes Later

Yashiama:Whats next.

Grandma:Well,it's almost dark,why don't you help me water my flowers.

Yashiama:OK!That sounds lot me fun!

Grandma:OK can you get the water pale.


(In The Garden)

Grandma:You water the plants and I'll plant other plants.


Yashiama's View

I grabbed the watering pale and began watering the thirsty flowers. Then I looked around and my gaze caught the old shiad that was always locked.I started getting curious,because I was never able to see what was inside the shied.

Yashiama:Grandma,I was meaning to ask you something for a long time.


Yashiama:Whats inside of the old shied?You've always had it locked so I got curious.

Yashiama's View

For some reason when I asked grandma that question she dropped the things she was holding and her face went pale.

Grandma:Yashiama can you come in the house so we can talk?


Yashiama View

Did I say something wrong. Now I'm kinda getting scared.

All of a sudden grandma had pink wavy hair,she looked really young, she was dressed in a kimono with flowers on it,she had a bow and arrow on her back,a sword in her hand,reddish fox ears,and a fox tail.

I was so surprised I got scared

Grandma(demon):Calm down it's me.

Yashiama:But,but how?

Grandma:I'll explain.

I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!!!

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