TGP| Prologue

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0| The Goddess & Her Pack Intro

I was thrown violently to the floor, my head hitting a stump and blood immediately pooling out as he didn't care. My eyes widened and I nearly screamed as a cold unwanted hand grip my throat and another clamped down on my mouth as I watch my mate uncle unzip his pant pulling them down so they were at his ankles and I wriggled trying to break free as I was held down, my vision blurring from tears.

My hands were restrained and he bent down roughly entering me as I screamed from the intense shocking pain and fluids flowing out of me as I felt I was going to die, I didn't care at the moment. The one person I thought would protect me didn't care. He rejected me and chooses my sister over me. I was nothing to them, nothing to no one.

I thought it was over until his conniving friends join and rip me of my innocent and purity one that I tried so hard to save for my mate, but I guess he didn't want it or me. He wanted someone 'Luna-Material' not some 'weak scumbag'. Those were the exact words he uses. I muffled screamed at they all take turns and rape me. They all thrust violently into me, tearing me apart making me feel violated and naked, I was naked but never felt so plain naked in all my life. I was ripped, tortured, neglected and bruised half to death.

I felt someone kicked me in the rip as I hear bones cracked then a few other feet collide in various parts of my body as they murmur curse words then Harry, my mate uncle dragged me by the hair further into the darkness of the forest, surrounded by thorns and creepy shaped bushes. I whimper in shock as they throw me into the thorn of bushes causing me scream out in agony. I felt someone step in my stomach pressing me pale skin into the bushes until he pull me out and throw me into a tree causing me to hit my head. I lay there unconscious when I felt fear walk up to me and spit on me and said;

"You're dead to us now"

I smell gasoline and felt the cold liquid splash onto my naked body as he laugh out loud humorously as he lit a matches and throw it on the grass. I was dead now, The fire rush towards me in quick pace as I stare up at him and watch my worst nightmare walk way proudly with his demons leaving me to die.......

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