17 | I Was a Bear

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*oh my god this chapter is
so freakin long
(idk if reading it, it's long,
but it felt like it took forever)

Dhiren drove the car.

We'd left Dani- who was more than capable- to take care of the pack while we were on Silver Tooth territory, and I was a little worried.

We were on foreign ground, just two Wolves, and I'd left my pack's well-being in the hands of my Beta's wife and mate.

"They'll be fine," Dhiren said suddenly, with a firm nod. "Dani'll take care of everyone."

How'd he know what I was thinking?

I sighed, nodding. "Yeah, I know," I muttered, turning my head to look out the open window. "I'm just worried."

He frowned, shrugging. "Yeah, I'm worried, too," he murmured, and I knew he wasn't going to say anything more on the matter.

The drive went on in silence, only a little uncomfortable, the windows down and the speed meter steady on forty.

Until I heard the screaming.

I sat up straight in my seat, brow furrowed as I looked out the window, trying to hear better.

Not just screaming- growling, snarling. Wolves. Training?


That wasn't training. That was terror.

The car swerved as Dhiren drove off the road, no words needed as we both dove out of the car, rolling onto the ground in our Wolf forms.

Though my hair was brown, my Wolf was pure black, like my father's, and his father's, and so on. We were Golden Blood, but we also blended in with the night.

Dhiren, in comparison, was a dark gray, just a few shades lighter than I- not black, but not the light gray that was pretty common among Wolves.

We were both large, but while Dhiren was the size of a small horse, I was a bear.

Our paws stretched across the ground, following the sounds of screaming and fighting- some sounded like children.

With a snarl, I ran faster, leaping into a backyard, where two White Wolves- the Freeman brothers, I was sure- were grappling with three other Wolves, Rogues by the greasiness of their pelts and the smell.

A smaller, but still good-sized, brown She-Wolf and a creamy pup- a newly shifted- were facing off with four Wolves, and were fiercely outnumbered.

Dhiren was quick to get to their sides, between the group of children and a young woman who was getting them all, one by terrified one, into the pack house behind us.

I tackled one of the Wolves fighting the Freeman brothers, digging my teeth into his scruff and chucking him against the large fallen tree poking out into the grass from the forest.

He growled, shaking it off and standing, glaring at me. He obviously decided that it wasn't worth it- I was too big. The Wolf turned and ran with a slight limp, and that's when I saw her.

A golden-brown She-Wolf was holding her own against a sleek black Wolf- probably new to the Rogue life- and had pushed him farther away from the fight.

She didn't notice me, clamping her jaws on the Wolf's scruff and jerking him back and forth.

I wanted to help her, but knew I should watch. She wasn't my pack, she was Reid's. She'd be bitter if she had to get help from another Alpha, a possible rival.

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