12 | You're The Alpha

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She'd been gone for three weeks.

I haven't seen her for three entire weeks, each spent searching for her and ending the betrothal to Margo.

I'd become closer to Dani and Dhiren, who I was certain were mates. You could just see it in the way they looked at each other, with unrequited devotion and adoration.

They were so in love.

It hurt to look at them. My Wolf craved Julie, so much to where it was hard to shape shift some days. I saw her everywhere- in the mints we kept in the living room, at the barbecue we had to celebrate Dhiren becoming the temporary Beta, in her sister.

I knew she was alive. I'd feel it if she wasn't.

But it still hurt.

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I sat on the front porch, my head in my hands.

I should've been inside, doing paperwork- not sitting outside, pining for a mate who didn't want me.

Or was driven away by Margo.

I sighed, letting my head fall into my hands. Dhiren was going to leave to finish his training soon- which was something I hadn't known about until I became the Alpha.

Betas go away for two years to train.

Julie would've gone away for two years.

So even if I had made the smart choice- love over an advantage for the pack- she still would've been gone.


I looked up, glancing over my shoulder. Dhiren. "Hey," I murmured, turning my head back around and resting my chin on my hands again.

I could hear him sit down beside me, and saw him lean forward out of the corner of my eye.

"Look, man, I know you're pretty broken up about Julie, but," Dhiren shrugged, glancing at me. "I dunno, maybe her leaving was a good thing."

It took a moment for me to react, and for a moment I contemplated punching the Beta in the face (I was refusing to think of him as my Beta at the time), had my fist ready and everything, before I realized that it wasn't worth it.

"How?" I whispered, rubbing my palms down my face. "How is it a good thing, Dhiren? Julie left, on her own, and... and I don't think she's coming back. There is no bright side to this."

He didn't say anything before shrugging. "Well, yeah, but, dude, you're the Alpha," he said simply, glancing at me. "You literally just became Alpha, and you can't focus on being the best you can be if you're working on building a relationship with a mate."

And then I punched him.

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Dhiren left to go on his two-year training trip the next day.

"Hey, where's Dani?" I asked him, trying to keep the mood light. I didn't see the girl he'd been so infatuated with anywhere around the house, when I'd become so accustomed to her being there recently.

Dhiren scratched the back of his neck, shrugging. "I kinda didn't tell her I was leaving, and we... we had an argument," he admitted, not meeting my gaze.

I frowned. "About what?"

He sighed, raising his arms out to his sides before letting them clap against his thighs. "Julie," he snapped, glaring at me. "Dani and I had an argument about Julie. She accused me of leaving just like Julie, and I told her she was being selfish, and naïve, and she started crying and walked away. There- that's what's going on. Happy?"

My eyes widened, and I shook my head. "You called Dani Mason naïve," I murmured, before sighing. "I'm sorry about your face, man."

"S'okay, dude. I was born with it."


I have realized that Channing Tatum and J-Law could probably pass off as siblings, so I changed the cast a bit.

Really, just Julie and Dani.

alona tal: julie mason

mila kunis: dani mason

This was more of a Dani/Dhiren (Miliana?) chapter, or Lennox/Dhiren chapter. Just a filler, to be frank.

Question: who do you ship the most? Lennox and Julie (Jennox is the best I could come up with. Also Mold, but that's just horrible), Lennox and Margo (Largo bec it sounds like Lego), or Dhiren and Dani (Miliana or Dhani/Danren)?

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