11 | A Fresh Start

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I had been running for three days, not stopping once. My Wolf could take it, being a Beta.

Lennox could take this easier than I could.

Don't think about him!

I let out a soft growl, the wind whipping through my golden-brown fur. I slowed down as I smelled the scent of another pack - a slightly familiar scent, but not one I could identify.

It wasn't Golden Blood - it wasn't my pack.

Pack Wolves don't take kindly to Rogues, my Common Sense voice spoke up.

Rogue. I was a Rogue now.

The realization hit me like a truck, making me skid to a stop.

Why in the hell hadn't I thought of this before? I was a fifteen-year-old She-Wolf who had just turned Rogue - on her own.

A whimper left my lips as I thought of that night with Lennox. It was crazy, how much I missed him.

He'd rejected me, and he'd had sex with me, and now I was an emotional mess.

I wanted to protect my family, and I wanted to be with Lennox, but I had seen Margo literally on top of him, no doubt talking dirty to him.

Did he like it, when girls talked dirty to him? Was it a kink of his?

I shuddered, trying to shake the warm, tingly feeling from my fur.

A growl ripped through the trees, causing me to jump. I crouched into a defensive position, eyes darting around.

I growled softly when two Wolves stalked out of the trees, both of their furs a pure white color.

They were both bigger than me - they had to be Alphas, or at least very powerful Betas.

I was dead.

I whimpered as they stepped forward, lowering myself onto the ground.

The larger of the two shifted, into a tall - about the same height as Lennox - young man, a young man who was actually really familiar.

His expression was hard as he glowered at me. I averted my gaze from his nude form, dipping my head respectfully.

"Shift back," he ordered, his deep voice ringing with authority.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot, shaking my head. If I shifted back, I'd be as naked as he was.

Understanding lit up his eyes and he gestured for me to follow him.

I gulped as the other Wolf - also a male, by the smell of him - brushed up against my side, nudging me forward.

I followed closely behind the familiar guy, keeping my eyes on his feet, away from his bare behind.

They took me to this huge, Victorian-style mansion; it was bigger than Golden Blood's pack house, bigger than any house I'd ever seen before.

I slowed down, blinking up at it. The Wolves looked at me, amusement clear in the familiar one's gaze. "Come on - I'll get you some clothes," he started towards the house, and I followed respectfully behind him.


I pulled a dark grey, long-sleeved shirt over my head, pulling my light blonde hair out of the collar.

The shirt reached my knees, which was good - I was completely naked under it.

Gulping, I opened the door, and went into the office across the hall, my hands clasped together behind my back.

The familiar young man, the one I sort of remembered, stood next to a desk. His pale blonde hair was messy, but attractive.

A younger guy stood at his side, probably the other white Wolf. His hair was a slightly darker color of blonde, but lighter than my own waves.

I frowned slightly when I saw the man sitting behind the desk. He was older than both of them, maybe Alpha Darren's age.

"I know you," I blurted out, brow furrowed.

The man chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "I thought you would. We didn't formally meet at the barbecue," he stood, making his way around the desk to stop in front of me.

"I'm Alpha Caleb Freeman, of Silver Tooth pack," he held out his hand, and I shook it, my grip firm.

"J-Julie," I murmured, eyes wide. He smiled. "My sons, Reid, and Jacob," he gestured at the young men.

Reid was the familiar one. I was pretty sure he'd been at Alpha Darren's barbecue, too - but we hadn't actually met.

"Oh. Um, hi," I waved at the two young men, smiling slightly.

They chorused a greeting, before Reid frowned. "Why aren't you with your pack?" He asked, his voice gentle.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the thought of Lennox and Dani and Margo. "The future Luna didn't want me there... so I left," I said simply, shrugging.

Reid's eyebrows shot up. "Ah. I see," he nodded slowly, sounding older than he looked.

"Margo's kind of a bitch," his little brother, Jacob, said, winking. I chuckled, shrugging.

Ya' got that right.

His father have him a disapproving look, which Jacob promptly ignored.

"On a more pleasant note, Julie, I would like to ask you to join our pack," Alpha Caleb said, meeting my gaze once more.

Nobody said anything as I let the thought sink in, my gaze falling to the floor.

If I joined their pack, this would be a new start. I wouldn't be average Julie Mason, the would-be-Beta anymore.

I'd have a chance to be me.

This was a fresh start, a chance I was willing to take.

My mind dredged up an image of Lennox before I quickly smashed it.

No more Lennox.

I grinned at Alpha Caleb, nodding. "Okay. I'll join your pack."

[ QUESTION: who is your favorite character so far? ]

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