18 | I'm Not The One Who Ran

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If I'd known what was just a floor above me, as I ran up those stairs with Jake, freshly clothed- I would've ran.

I would've grabbed Sami and Logan, and ran as fast as I could.

Anything to avoid the sight in front of me.

But I hadn't known.

And it was real.

He was real.

Nobody moved, but I could feel the tension. I wanted to look past him, past them, and demand to know what the hell they were doing there- butI couldn't.

I could only see strange green eyes, wide and full of disbelief.

"Julie?" Dhiren.

My gaze flicked from him to the tall, handsome man that stood next to him, looking incredulous and maybe a little excited. He grinned, taking a step forward.

That could not be Dhiren.

And the next thing I knew, I was enveloped in a big bear hug, a deep chuckle making me groan. "I can't believe it!" he announced, laughing. "You're alive!"

"Put me down, dude," I grit out, pushing against his chest. "You're too big."

He did, still grinning. "You gotta come back and see Dani, and your mom, meet the kids- God, she'll be so excited," he added, making me confused. Why was he spending time with Dani and my mom?


We all turned, looking at Mel- her eyes were darting between the three of us, taking in my uncomfortable position and Dhiren's happiness and his tension.

"Mel-" Jake started, taking a step forward, giving her a Look. A Please, Mel, shut up Look.


My eyes snapped to his, and my knees trembled. It had been years since he'd said my name, and it felt like a hundred. Now it was making me wish I'd never left.

"Julie," Lennox repeated, his face stoic, but his beautifully green eyes filled with hurt, "what the hell?"

Wow. Okay. I took a tiny step back, hands by my sides, clenching into fists. I wanted to tell him to get out, to take Dhiren and any thought of Margo with him. Because if he was here, she was. I hated her. "Lennox, it's not what it looks like-"

"Have you been here, this entire time?" He cut me off, his voice getting louder, more angry. Almost yelling.

Shit. I was trying my absolute hardest not to enjoy it.

I shook my head, before stopping. Lying would make it worse. "Yes, but-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He yelled, taking a step forward, every part of his being blazing with rage.

Mel murmured an 'oh, shit' as I stepped up to meet him, growling in the back of my throat.

"You have no right to yell at me!" I snarled, ignoring the pleasure I felt at how close he was. The tingles were still there, now like a bolt of lightning. "This is your fault!"

Lennox scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, my fault, huh?" He shook his head. "I'm not the one who ran like a little kid!"

"I was fifteen, dammit! I was a kid!"

He glowered down at me, grinding his teeth. "Not to me."

Now it was my turn to scoff, taking a step back. "Seriously? You have got to be kidding me," I snapped. "'Oh, no, Julie, you're just the Beta's daughter, you don't have any say in your future, I get to choose what happens to you because I'm the Alpha!'" I mocked, my voice getting deeper as I mimicked his voice, pissed.

"That actually does sound-"

"Shut up, Dhiren!" We yelled, not breaking eye-contact.

The Beta nodded, taking a step back.

The room was quiet, everyone staring wide-eyed at us as our chests heaved with anger, and Lennox towered over me like the Alpha he was, and always had been.

It wasn't right- he couldn't just barge in, after ten years of blissful single-motherhood, and ruin it all. And then my blood ran cold.

He wouldn't let Margo hurt Sam and Logan, would he?

I suddenly reached out, grabbing his arm. "Lennox," I breathed, panicked. "Who else came with you?"

His gaze fell to my hand on his skin as I easily ignored the sparks shooting up my arm. My kids were more important than an egoistic Alpha.

"It's just us-" "MOM!"

I turned around, eyes wide as I looked at the girl stomping up the stairs, into the room. Sam.

"Sami!" I yelled, letting go of Lennox and darting forward, pulling her to my chest. "Oh, Sam."

"Mom, we're hungry," she announced, pulling back and looking up at me with big, green eyes. "Can we have the cake in the fridge?"

"Don't let her have it, Mom!" Logan yelled, stomping into the room with an adorable glare. "She's an idiot!"

"Wait, can I have cake?" Joss piped up, looking between Lily and I. His mom met my gaze with wide brown eyes, her lips pressed together in a thin line.

"No!" Sam yelled, at the same time Logan said, "None of you can have my cake! Only Mom can!"

Then they saw Lennox, who was glaring at them with fierce green eyes, the same shade as theirs, his shoulders tense and his hands clenched into fists.

I swallowed, looking between him and my son and my daughter. My son, my daughter.

My Wolf rears up, just as willing to protect our children, our pups, as I am- even against our mate.

And I growled right back at him.


I kind of feel like this is complete and total shit, but whatever.
Please tell me what you think, and if Lennox and Julie's meeting was realistic.
But I feel like that was.
-Reid looks extremely stoned in that pic, btw, sorry

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