10 | Missing

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"Darren, she's my daughter! She's only fifteen, we need to find-" "Alex! She'll be fine. I can't stop running the pack for one teenage girl," my father growled.

I stood silently in the doorway, confused. They'd been arguing for hours.

Alexander Mason, Julie's father, flinched. "You're right. This is Julie, not just some teenage girl. My daughter is missing - and we need to find her," he growled.

Julie. Missing. Missing? Julie was missing?

It didn't compute. I felt like a robot.

Julie couldn't be missing. She couldn't. I'd go to her house, and she'd be there, and we'd talk it out, and I'd break the betrothal with Margo, and then we'd be together. She'd carry my pups, and be my sunshine, with all her golden blonde hair.

And I'd make everything up to her.

What if someone had taken her? What if she was dead?


I'd feel it if Julie was dead.

But Margo might've kidnapped her, abducted her - or something.

My dad finally noticed me, scowling. "Lennox, what are you doing here?" He snapped, eyes narrowed.

Alexander turned to look at me, his expression desperate and saddening. I winced. "Uh... just... wrong door," I muttered, darting into the hallway.

"Strange child..."


I pounded on the door, growling in frustration. Julie had to be here! She couldn't be missing.

I raised my fist to beat the door again, before it flew open. Dani yelped, jumping back. I lowered my arm, eyes wide.

"Where's Julie?" I demanded, pushing past her. I barely glanced at Dhiren Iliana, the guy Margo wanted to be my Beta.

He stood, wrapping an arm around Dani. "Give it to him," he murmured, giving her a reassuring smile.

Dani's hands shook as she reached into her pocket, before handing me a folded up, slightly crumpled piece of paper.

It smelled like her, like my Julie.

I ran my fingertips over the smooth, whisper-y surface before opening it, gazing at the pencilled words there.

Dear Mom, Dad, Dani, Dhiren, and the Alphas (including Lennox, but not Margo),

I felt my lips twitch with a smile. She'd written us a letter?

I know what this will seem like. Like I'm giving up, but I'm not. I'm not giving up on the pack, but I can't stay with you anymore.

Why not? Why, Julie, why?

I can't tell you why.

She knew me so well.

I can't tell you why, but you have to trust me. I know I'm only fifteen, I know I'm not even the Beta, I know I'm a girl, but you have to trust me.

I trust you, Julie, I do. Just please don't be gone...

I don't want to go - if it were up to me, I'd stay with all of you, for forever. But it's not up to me.

What do you mean, it's not up to you? It has to be up to you!

I'll always love you, Mom, and if you kill my cat, Dad, I'll send all of hell after you!

I didn't know she had a cat.

Dani, you're the best sister a girl could ask for. But you're more than that, you know.

What about me? Was she going to write a part for me?

Alpha Darren, Luna Fiona... thank you. Thank you for teaching me, teaching me everything.

I hope you all live well - and please don't mourn me. I'm not dead, I'm really not, but - but I'm just gone.

Please don't look for me.


I sighed, eyes half-closed. No part for me. She must really hate me.

I peered at the words, liking her loopy handwriting. At least I knew she wasn't dead. Or kidnapped.

The lead had smudged near the end, like she'd been crying.

I suddenly flipped the paper over, frowning slightly.

P.S. Lennox, I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

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