5 | He's Mine

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I glared at Margo over Lennox's shoulder. She couldn't even clear her throat normally? The hell?

Lennox sighed, rolling his eyes. "What is it, Margo?" He asked, exasperated.

The gorgeous model-worthy fiancé stood with her arms crossed, making her boobs look bigger.

I wished, in a tiny part of my mind, that I could look as perfect as that.

"You know, it's your birthday, you should go back inside. I need to apologize to Julie," she turned her venomous gaze on me.

I gulped. Uh-oh. I was silently begging for Lennox not to leave me out here with her. She'd murder me, or something equally as bad!

Chain me up in her basement or something!

Lennox scowled. "I'm walking Julie home. Go back inside," he ordered, his voice deepening with authority.

Margo took a step forward, so her lips were brushing his ear. A flame of jealousy burned in my chest, but I quickly pushed it down.

Don't think about it. Don't. Technically, she's got more of a claim on him. I mean, he did reject you.

Yeah, and whose fault was that?


Margo whispered something I couldn't hear in Lennox's ear, making him stiffen. His bright green eyes met my brown ones, wide and full of fear.

"Julie, I have to go. I'll... goodbye," he murmured, glowering at Margo before practically sprinting inside.

I stared after him, open mouthed. How could he do that? A moment ago, he'd said he was walking me home. I was dead. Margo was going to kill me.

I watched her carefully as she circled, her gray eyes narrowed. She was going to fillet me. Torture me. She'd probably make a handbag out of my fur and give it to Lennox.

"Let's get something straight, common girl," she spat, her eyes full of hate. Geez, woman, what'd I ever do to you?

"Lennox is going to marry me. He's mine," she snarled. I blinked. "Okay," I nodded, once.

Margo still looked pissed. "No, you don't get it, you little slut- Lennox will never be with you," she growled.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I got it," I told her, crossing my arms. She clenched her jaw, like she was debating between punching me or ramming her heel up my vagina.

What would Lennox ram up my vagina?

Oh, mother of pearl, don't think like that!

"You're nothing to him," she snarled. I could feel my heart beating top fast, the dread building up within me. I couldn't be nothing to him.

I was his-

He rejected me.

I wasn't his soul mate.

I probably was nothing to him.

The knot in my stomach tightened as I nodded. "And he's nothing to me," I said back, my voice clear and strong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

I understood his rejection, I got it, I was okay with it- he was probably going to reject me anyways; but I hated this bitch. She was horrible.

Yes, Lennox would've rejected me, but that didn't mean he was nothing to me. No. He could never be nothing to me.

I felt hollow.

"If you ever touch what's mine again," Margo threatened. "I'll make sure there's no safe place for you, or your family. Especially that damn sister of yours."

I flinched. She was threatening to hurt me? To kill me? Okay. I was expecting that.

Threaten my family? My sister?

No. You do not do that.

"You will never be the Beta of this pack, common girl."

I knew that was a promise.

Before I could rip her throat out, she was gone.


I was curled up in my bed, hugging my pillow to my chest. Tears were on the pillowcase, drying on my cheeks.

I couldn't let Lennox touch me. Never again. She'd kill them. She'd kill my family. Dani. She'd murder her.

Just to get to me.

Soulless bitch.

Great, now I was crying again. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the front door open.

"Julie! We're home!"

Dani ran upstairs, her feet thumping on the floor. "Julie? Jules, where-"

Dani gasped, darting to my side. "Julie, what the hell's wrong?" She demanded, wrapping her arms around me. I sobbed, clinging to her like she was my last hope.

The sobs wouldn't stop coming, shaking my body and totally killing me inside. I'd never broken down in front of anyone before.

Especially not Dani.

"Oh, Julie," she whispered, pressing her cheek to my hair. I whimpered, meeting her gaze.

Her hazel eyes were asking me a silent question: What's wrong?

I took a shaky breath. "He rejected me," I whispered.

Dani's eyes widened, her arms instantly pulling me in for a hug.

We stayed like that all night, me sobbing and crying, and Dani's cheeks soaked with tears.

To be rejected... Dani's felt that before.

Not by her mate, but her parents. Her real parents. They rejected her, when she was two years old.

She knew how it felt to be alone.

And that was what I needed.

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