9 | Can't Stand It Anymore

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Lennox stared down at me, his eyes shining with happiness.

"I didn't want to leave this morning, but..." he shook his head, pulling me close. I didn't move, choosing to stay limp in his arms.

"I missed you," he whispered, pressing his lips to my hair.

A sob escaped my lips as I cried into his chest, my arms tightened around his torso. "Julie?" He asked, alarmed.

I was shaking with each pitiful sob, not being able to stay strong any longer. I'd woken up after sex, my mate was gone, I realize that we can't be together, I come to talk to him, and I see that bitch all up in his business.

"Lennox, we- we can't se-see each other an-anymore," I stammered.

He stared at me, shocked. His green eyes were wide, his full, kissable lips (don't think like that, Juliette) parted in surprise.

How could he go from happy to devastated in so little time?

"You mean... we can see each other, but you don't want to sleep with me?" He whispered. I sank my teeth into my lip. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Lennox, you have to take Dhiren as your Beta," I said, my voice shaky. He flinched.

"No. Julie, stop," he growled when I opened my mouth to tell him off. "You're only fifteen, you have no idea what you want. But I know what I want. I know that I want you to be with me, I want you by my side every minute of every day, and I know that I can't live without you."

"Stop it!" I snarled. "I don't want that! I want- I want Margo to just go away, I want her gone! I hate her! And I can't believe you can say that to me, after what happened last night, after what I just saw. Did it not mean anything to you?" I whispered, knowing that I was just coming up with excuses, but I needed him to understand that we weren't mates anymore.

Lennox pressed his calloused palms against my cheeks. "Julie, last night was everything to me. I loved it, I love being with you. But you're not the Alpha, Jules, you're just a kid-" "A kid that lost her virginity to a guy who's getting married!" I hissed.

He rolled his eyes, nodding. "I know, I know- but you're just the Beta's daughter, Julie. I'm the Alpha, not you, and you do as I say."

...just the Beta's daughter...

No, you don't get it, you little slut- Lennox will never be with you...

I got it.

Lennox couldn't be with me.


"I'm not just the Beta's Daughter, Lennox - I'm an independent person, and you can't tell me what to do. You're not the Alpha, not yet," I whispered, jerking way from his grasp. "Last night was probably the most important night of my life. And Margo's obviously the one you want to have the most important night of your life with."

He looked shocked. I backed up, forcing back my tears. "Bye, Lennox."


Margo grabbed my wrist, jerking me around. "I better not see you here again, common girl. Remember - I have people everywhere," she snarled, her nails digging into my skin, drawing blood.

I winced at the pain, tears pricking at my eyes. "I'm not coming here again. Just please don't hurt them," I whispered.

Margo twisted my arm, making me gasp. "I'll do whatever I want. This is your last chance, weakling - don't come near what's mine ever again, or your family's dead-"

"What the hell are you doing?" Lennox shoved Margo away from me, his bright green eyes quickly assessing the damage she'd done on my arm.

He growled at her as she stood, wrapping a protective arm around me. I flinched away from his touch, remembering Margo's warning.

"Don't - just don't, Lennox!" I yelled, backing away from him.

Margo chuckled, her smile sadistic. "Yeah, you run, common girl," she muttered.

I growled at her, shifting into my Wolf and running for my house.

"JULIE!" Lennox roared after me.

I didn't look back, barreling through the door and into the bathroom. I shifted back into my human form, locking the door and pressing a hand to my chest, over my heart.

My heart was going a mile a minute, and my Wolf was howling in despair. She wanted to go to Lennox, but she knew we couldn't abandon our family.



I flung the door open, throwing myself into her arms. "Julie!"

I sobbed into her shoulder, shaking uncontrollably. "Sh, it's okay. It's okay," she cooed, rubbing slow circles into my bare back and gently leading me into my bedroom.

She sat us down, trying to soothe me.

"I-I can't stand it h-here anymore, I just want it all to- to just go away!" I snarled, ripping my pillow apart. Dani flinched as I started crying again.

"This isn't fair!" I whisper-yelled. Dani took my hand in hers, her blue eyes wide. "Julie, life isn't fair. But whatever is making you so mad, it's not worth it. It's not. I love you, Jules, but this... this is ridiculous," she whispered, rubbing her fingertips over my knuckles.

I looked into her eyes, feeling lost.

He is worth it. He's so worth it. You have no idea.

"Dani, I mean it. I can't stand it anymore. I can't be here, in this pack, while my mate goes and marries someone else," I murmured. She smiled slightly. "It'll be okay, Julie," she assured me.

I shook my head. "Dani, I- I'm leaving."

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