6 | He Was Just Everywhere

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A few days later...

"You're going to the barbecue, Juliette Mason," my mom stayed firmly. "No buts, young lady. You've been moping long enough. You're going to the barbecue, you'll enjoy yourself with Dani, and then you'll be happy. Got it?"

I stared at my mom blankly. Barbecue? Had she thought I wasn't going to want to go? If Dani and them were going, I was going.

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am," I said obediently.

She blinked, surprise evident on her face. My dad glanced at me. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" He asked gently, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, not even bothering with a smile. It'd be fake, and he'd see right through it anyway.

I stood up from my chair and walked towards the door, raking my fingers through my hair. In the hall, I could hear my parents talking.

"Alex, I'm worried about her," my mother hissed, her eyes no doubt as big as fucking saucers.

A sigh. Dad. "I know, Rush. I am too," he murmured.

"I have to find out what's wrong," Mom growled. "Russia," my dad began sternly. "Julie's growing up. You have to let her do things on her own, love."

I ran to my room, my heart beating out of my chest.

What the hell was wrong with me?


"Fifteen and cursing like a sailor. That's not very lady-like."

I whirled at the familiar voice.

Dhiren Iliana stood just behind me, a grin painted on his handsome face. I smiled warmly. "Hey, Dhiren," I chirped.

I had just stubbed my toe, swearing under my breath.

He took a step forward, resting his hand on my shoulder. Dhiren was taller than me - he was as tall as Lennox, who was pretty tall  - so he had to look down to get face-to-face.

"Lennox says that you're going to be the new Beta of Golden Blood," he murmured, naming our pack.

I stared into his soft golden eyes, trying to determine if he was upset by that.

"Julie?" His voice was quiet. "I would like to know if Margo has said anything to you about this," he told me, his eyes flashing with authority.

You will never be the Beta of this pack, common girl.

I'm sure he saw the hurt in my eyes. He sighed. "Julie, she's all bark and no bite. I wouldn't worry about it. Lennox seems dead-set on making you the Beta, and I respect that," he rushed out as I opened my mouth to interrupt.

What was he talking about? How could he respect that I was probably going to be the Beta, and he wasn't?

Wolves were a competitive people. He had to want to be better than me. He was a Werewolf!

"And what are you two talking about?"

I stiffened at the sound of his voice, which was music to my ears, but also heartbreaking.

Dhiren stood straight, an arm around my shoulders. He smiled easily at Lennox. "Just having a chat with Jul-" "Remove the arm," the Alpha's son ordered, his voice soft but commanding. Ominous.

Dhiren let his arm drop from my shoulders, back to his side. I wondered why he couldn't put his arm there - after all, we were just friends.

Unless Lennox cared...

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