2 | She Was Beautiful

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My father frowned at me. "Julie is a very capable young woman, who will make a great Beta," he said slowly.

I shrugged. "I don't want that Mason girl as my Beta. I want Dhiren," I told him honestly.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Lennox, at least meet the girl before you write her off as not good enough. Julie Mason is perfect for the job. People listen to her," he insisted. But they say she's average.

I shook my head. "Dhiren's better," my voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.

Why would I give the Beta position to some girl I'd only ever met once? Sure, she'd been cute at eight years old, even when I was eleven, I'd still thought that she was pretty damn adorable, but still.

She couldn't be the Beta.

My father looked up as someone behind me cleared their throat. I turned to see Margo Montoya, an Alpha's daughter, standing there, looking gorgeous in a short black dress.

My father had arranged a betrothal between Margo and I. I approved of her - I especially liked her curves and beautiful appearance.

I smiled at her. She smiled back. "The party's starting, Alpha," she walked up to my side, linking her arm through mine.

I looked to my father, he was nodding. "Alexander's almost here. Lennox, you will meet Julie, and you will consider her," he told me, his voice just as final as mine.

Margo's nails dug into my arm. "What position, if I may ask?" She raised a sleek brow at me, her jaw clenched. I cupped her cheek. "Just the Beta position, babe. Let's go enjoy the party," I suggested, tugging her towards the door.


While we were dancing, Margo suddenly growled.

I stroked my thumb across he cheek, smiling reassuringly. "I've only got eyes on you, babe," I whispered, leaning in to kiss her.

As I drew back, the most enticing scent reached my nose.

I frowned slightly, wondering if it was food or something. It was making my mouth water.

I turned, and saw her.

Her head was about as the same height as my chest, her light blonde hair curled around a soft-featured face. Her chocolate brown eyes were bright, her skin clear and glowing in the low lighting.

She was beautiful, not even comparing to the dark-haired girl next to her.

I felt my heart skip a beat as she tipped her head back and laughed, her cheeks dimpling. God, she was perfect.

"Lennox," Margo snapped, gripping my chin to turn my face back to her. "You said that you only had eyes for me tonight," she reminded me, her fingers trailing down my chest, towards forbidden waters.

She noticed me, freezing and staring back at me.

I forced a smile. "I know, babe. I do. Only you," I promised.

But my Wolf was going insane. He wanted that blonde - craved her scent, her skin, her hair...

"Lennox - you keep looking at that girl," Margo hissed. I frowned, barely glancing at her. "I look at girls all the time," I murmured, the blonde still the center of my focus.

She stomped her foot, looking childish. "Not like that!" She snapped, turning on her heel and stalking away.

She really was beautiful.

My Wolf was suddenly whining, complaining. He needed her.


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