13 | It's Positive

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"How long do we have to wait?" I groaned from the bed, my voice muffled by a pillow.

Lily gave me a reprimanding look, acting like the mother she was. "Just a bit longer."

I sat up and sighed, letting my head fall back. "I'm kind of freaking out here," I murmured, making sure not to look at the bathroom where four pregnancy tests sat on the counter.

Lily Freeman (Reid's mate) was my first girl friend in Silver Tooth pack.

Lily was sixteen, and a Werewolf. She'd been raped when she was twelve, which had resulted in her three-year-old son Joss. Joss had dark hair and dark skin, which came from Lily's African ancestors, and one of the biggest hearts a child could have.

Lil was a year older than me, but as kind as they came and full of love. There was a motherly side to her, and she had an aura of safety.

And more than anything, I needed safety.

Especially when I'd started having morning sickness and food started tasting strange.

Then Lily had sat me down and told me... it.

And I was terrified.

"Relax," Lily murmured, slowly standing. "Are you ready?"

I swallowed audibly, clenching my fists to try and stop the shaking, and nodded as firmly as I could- but I was sure I looked as nervous as I felt.

I stood and walked into the doorway of the bathroom, Lily just a step behind. "Do you want me to...?" she asked, her voice gentle.

I nodded again, taking a step back to let her through. She hovered over the tests for a moment before picking one up and waving it at me. "Negative."

I clasped my hands together in front of me, closing my eyes as Lily read off the next one- "Positive."

I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes. "It's just one, Jules," I whispered to myself. "There's still two more."

"Positive," Lily murmured, her face solemn. I moaned, covering my face with my hands.

"What's the next one?" I asked, my voice shaky and uneven. Lily gave me a sympathetic look that I saw as I peeked through my fingers. "If it's negative, we'll just get some more, Julie, it's okay," she told me.

"I want to know, I just..." I sighed, letting my hands fall down to my sides. "Alright, tell me."

She took a deep breath, biting her lip.

"It's positive."

This one's not very long, but the next one will be, promise.

This is- sadly- the end of part one. FYI, I added 'Part 1' to the beginning of this book.

Part 2 will be Lennox and Julie- REUNITED AT LAST AND SORT OF UNWILLINGLY.


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