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Vince kept speeding down the road "Vince, you're going to get us pulled over!" I screamed over the roar of the car.

"Chill Jade and have fun!" He yelled back. Oh geez, all my parents need is a ticket mailed to their hotel room.

I need to show Vince that him and I promised mom and dad we'd stay outta trouble. After everyone calmed down I had to remind them.

We finally stopped "Guys, we promised mom and dad we'd stay out of trouble" I said "A little trouble wouldn't hurt" Vince shrugged.

I glared at him "Vince we need to show them that we're responsible so that they'll trust us with cars and let us hang out with our friends" I said.

"Jade we let loose and have fun and then clean up our mess" Vince said "Vince that's not how it works!" I punched his arm.

He just laughed and got out of the car "C'mon let's go" he motioned out for me "I'm not going anywhere until you promise me you'll cooperate" I crossed my arms.

He sighed and went over to my door, he opened it "Lets go Jade" he said sternly. I stayed in my spot "No" I said. He grabbed my waist and placed me on his shoulder.

"VINCE, PUT ME DOWN" I yelled. Rick and him only laughed. Wow not even my uncle has my back on this one. My uncle and aunt.

He literally walked inside the restaurant with me on his shoulder. From embarrassment I hid my face with my hands, I could feel all the stares.

Oh geez...I heard him ordering and walked outside. He finally put me down "You totally embarrassed me in there!!" I yelled.

"Sorry, you needed to take a chill pill" he laughed "I was totally chill, I just wanted to wait for you guys in the car" I said.

"How do we know you weren't going to call mom and dad to come back" he said "I'm the one who's trying to stop that FYI!!" I yelled.

I turned around and looked at my uncle "And you're the one in charge why aren't you saying anything!!" I yelled "I'm kinda immature myself Jade" he smiled.

"Hey I'm in charge too!" Eva joined in "But you're not acting like it!" I said "Mom and dad trusted you guys to keep us out of trouble not get us into it" I said.

I decided to walk back to the car, I thought Vince was going to stop me but he didn't so I just kept walking.

Once I got there the car beeped, he locked it!!!! Oh my I'm so furious!!!!!

I hit the car and the alarm went off, great. So I just sat there beside it thinking of what to do.

A few minutes later a slice of pizza was shoved into my face. I looked up to see my uncle Rick smiling, I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon kid, I'll promise to act my age and keep you guys out of trouble....for Dave and Sophie" he said.

"Are you forreal this time?" I whispered "I said I promise, c'mon let's go eat at the park" he said handing me the pizza.

I took it and jumped up to hug him "But it's late uncle" I said "Hey, we're cyborgs. I'm pretty sure we can handle it" he whispered. I laughed.

He drived us to the park and we all laughed and talked for a long time "So anyways that's how I saved your mom from being "murdered" by your dad" Eva said.

We laughed "Wow I can't believe you thought dad would hurt mom" I pushed my uncle lightly "Yeah, but hey you never really told me what those heels were made of" he looked at Eva.

"Steel" my aunt replied "They make actual steel heels?!" I asked "Yes...they're actually weapons" she smiled "Oooh" Rick thought.

Me and Vince laughed "So what other funny stories do you--" I was cut off because we heard the bushes rustle "Shhh" Rick said.

Eva and Rick sneaked up to the Bush and out came....Mr.Chandler!?.

Here come the troublemakers.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora