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I woke up on my parents bed. I looked around the room and saw that everything was different, the furniture was moved around.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror to check if my cheek was swollen. Nothing, it was like if nothing had happened.

I was so confused. I decided to go find my brother and his room looked cleaner and was filled with new furniture. "What is going on here?" I whispered to myself.

My brother walked in and was surprised to see me "You're finally awake little sis!!" He yelled and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I interrupted his excitement "What do you mean? Oh, You've been unconscious for 2 months and missed a lot of things" he answered.

"Like?" I asked "Well we got new furniture, you're wedding's been canceled for good, we're going to be homeschooled for a while and I'm going out with your best friend" he smiled.

"Where's Rick?" I asked "Back home, mom, dad and evangeline are downstairs, you should go see them" he said.

I headed downstairs with my brother. My mom was in the kitchen "Mom" I said. She turned around and ran towards me hugging me tightly as well.

"I missed you darling!" My dad joined in. "I did too" I smiled "I'm really sorry sweetie, I promise to control my anger, everyone stayed mad at me for a while, even I did" my dad caressed my cheek.

"Accidents happen dad" I said. "Where's my sister?" I asked "outside" my mom said. I walked away from them and opened the back doors.

There I found my sister sitting down with her back faced to me. I walked up to her slowly "Evangeline?" I said in a low voice.

She turned around and smiled "I'm so glad you're awake!" She patted my shoulder. I was surprised she didn't hug me like everyone else. "Well now that you're awake, looks like it's time for me to head back home" she smiled.

I was taken aback from this "Wait you're leaving already?" I asked "Yes, I know you're awake now so I'm not worried anymore" she said and headed inside. I followed her to the guest room where she grabbed her luggage and started packing up her belongings.

"Why are you always so distant from us?" I asked "It's not like I want to be distant from you guys, I just have things to do. You'll understand when you get older" she said politely.

I sat on the bed and watched her pack her things quietly. I was sad because I never really get to see my sister.

I walked her to her car when she was done and got back inside the house. My mom walked by and noticed my expression "What's wrong honey?" She asked.

"Evangeline just left" I said "She didn't even say goodbye, I'm really worried about your sister. I want to know what's going on so we can help her" my mom said.

"Yeah" I whispered and went to grab my phone real quick. No battery, great. I used the house phone "Who are you calling?" My dad asked coming downstairs.

"Uncle Rick, he's probably still worried" I replied "Yeah you should" he walked away. No doubt my dad still felt guilty.

Rick: hello?
Jade: Hey uncle Rick!
Rick: Jade! You've woken up!
Jade: Yeah, 2 months huh?
Rick: Yeah...

We talked for an hour and then i hung up. I decided to watch TV for awhile. When the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it and there was Alina with a huge grin.

She hugged me "You're awake!" She walked in. "Sure, come in" I said sarcastically "Sorry, I'm just so excited I got my best friend back, after 2 flippin months!" She squealed.

My brother peeked from the top of the stairs "There's my girl!" He said proudly "She came to see me!" I yanked her towards me.

"Okay okay, I'll steal her later then" my brother winked at her and disappeared into the kitchen.

I sighed "So let's talk" Alina smiled at me. I know I've been gone for 2 months but it feels like another normal day.

I just hope my future still turns out to be normal. Not just any normal, human normal.

Thanks for reading- Anna

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