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Joseph drove to a jewelry store and parked right outside. He got out and ran to the other side of the car to open the door for me.

"I could've opened it myself you know?" I said sternly "Calm down.." He whined. We walked inside the store an headed towards the rings.

I saw diamonds and rubys everywhere. This woman with red hair approached us minutes later.

"Do you guys need any help?" The woman asked "Yes we're looking for the most beautiful engagement ring here" Joseph smiled.

"A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman, I think I have what you're looking for" she said and motioned us to follow her.

She led us to a back room and in the middle was a red box. She opened the box and took a beautiful shining diamond ring out of it.

Joseph took it from her and held out his hand for mine. I gave him my hand and he slid the ring on my finger, it fit perfectly on my finger.

Joseph and the woman stared at me for a while "You like it?" He asked. I looked away "We'll take it" he told the woman.

My eyes widened at his words. He handed her his credit card and she left. I turned to Joseph "Joseph, we can't take that! It probably costs a million bucks!" I yelled half whispered to him.

"Whatever makes you happy I will get for you" he smiled "But rings and accessories don't make me does" I whispered the last part.

"And love is all you'll get" he said ".....Thank you" I whispered "You're welcome love" he smiled.
He leaned in close....oh no did he really want to kiss me?

I can't do this to James, I need an excuse!!! And to my luck the lady came back in handing Joseph back his card and a receipt.

"Thank you" he told the woman "Thank you guys for shopping with us today, come back soon" she said politely.

We left and headed to the car and again he opened the door for me. He got in and looked at me "Take off the ring" he said. I was totally confused but I obeyed.

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked "Well I actually want to do this the right way, I'll propose to you in front of your family, including your parents" he smiled.

Crap, I totally forgot we gotta tell them "So am I going home tonight or...." I asked "Oh yeah we're going to your house and I'll go to mine" he said. A sigh of relief filled me.

"That will give you time to tell your parents tonight Jade..... I need you to tell them tonight or I'll tell them" he said "Don't worry I'll tell them okay?" I snapped.

Oh gosh....

At home....

We finally arrived to my house "I'll see you tomorrow love" he said and grabbed my hand. I looked at him "Kiss me....please" he whispered.

I waited "Jade...please please let me have at least one kiss" he begged with tears forming in his eyes. I leaned in.

I couldn't believe what I was doing. He leaned in closer until our lips touched, he did the unexpected next. He grabbed my face and kissed me deeply.

I tried pushing away now "Joseph!?" I yelled "I... I'm so sorry Jade, I understand you need time, I'm sorry" he apologized "it's okay" I said and got out of the car.

I entered the house and closed the door, I can't believe I just accepted to be his wife. My uncle came downstairs "Did he hurt you!?" He asked me over and over.

"I'm fine!!" I yelled "Uncle Rick please help me!!" I begged "With what sweetie?" He hugged me "He wants me to tell mom and dad right now" I said.

"Oh my..." He said "I know" I whispered with tears pouring out of my eyes. "What is my dad going to think of his little girl!?" I sobbed.

"Do whatever you want that upsets him but he is never going to stop loving you, you'll always be his little girl Jade" he hugged me tighter.

I hugged him back "Help me tell them?" I said "Yes, of course" he said and led me towards the kitchen phone. He dialed their number.

Sophie: Hello?

Rick:Hey Sophie, how's it going?

Sophie:Everything is great.... What's wrong!?

Rick: We need you and Dave to come back...

Sophie: Why!

Rick: Joseph and Jade are going to give you guys some big news!

Sophie: Oh no....what!?

Dave: Rick what's going on!?!?

Rick: Jade needs you guys right now...

Dave: We'll be there in about...5 hours

Rick: that's quick but okay

Sophie: let me talk to Jade, please

Jade: Hey mom....

Sophie: Jade what the hell is going on between you and Joseph!?

Jade: I'll tell you once you guys get here

Ends call...

I looked at my uncle "Why?" I cried again. He hugged me again "Call Joseph, tell him you'll have to share the news in five hours" he said and handed me the phone.

I dialed Joseph's number and waited.

Joseph: Hello? Jade...what's wrong?

Jade: I told my parents

Joseph: great what they say

Jade: They're on their way...they want us to tell them the news

Joseph: When

Jade: Five hours to be exact

Joseph: I'll be right over!

Ends call...

What will happen to Jade once her parents arrive, who'll stay calm? Find out in the next chapter, thanks for Reading!

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