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Vince sped off as fast as he could "I'm calling them to leave now!" I urgently took out my phone.

"Try to sound calm" he said "Okay" I said. I dialed Jeremy's phone "Hey Jade we're looking for you guys!" He screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry but we had to leave, our parents found out where we were and told us to head back" I said calmly "Oh then someone must've heard us and told on you guys, my bad Jade" he apologized.

After that I heard James ask where I was. Then they hanged up. I turned to Vince who was crying now "What are we going to do?!" He asked through tears.

"I don't know!" I yelled. I looked back at Alina's body. Blood started dripping from the side of her head.

We finally got home. I opened the door in panic "Mom, dad we need your help!!" I yelled as Vince hurried with the body inside.

We don't need any neighbor's thinking we were murderers. "What happened!?" My mom yelled as soon as she saw us.

My dad popped up behind her "What in the world did you do!?" He screamed. Vince layed down the body and sat down next to it.

"It was an accident....we were at the caves" I was interrupted by my dad "What the hell were you guys doing over there!?!?" He yelled again "Exploring" I said.

"Why would you guys be exploring such a dangerous place!?" My mom joined in "We were curious...look we need your help with her!" I said.

"Jade we're sorry but there's really nothing we can do to bring her back to life, besides you know that will jeopardize all of us!" My dad explained.

"You guys are in so much trouble!" My mom said. She sat down and held her head up with her hands. "You okay honey?" My dad asked.

"Mom are you feeling okay?" I asked. Vince asked the same thing. "I'm calling grandpa!" I said and started calling his phone.

A few minutes later...
The doorbell rang "It's my Father" my dad said and went to open it. Mom was laying down in her bed.

A few minutes later my grandfather came out of her room. I overheard him and dad whispering "So what's wrong with her?" My dad whispered.

I couldn't quite hear what my grandfather said "A possible pregnancy?" My dad whispered.
Mom could be pregnant again!?

This was all too much. I headed downstairs to tell Vince but he was nowhere to be found. The scariest part was that Alina's body was also missing. I immediately called my uncle.

He was already knocking at our door. He grabbed my hand and took me to his car "Where are we going!?" I said as I got inside.

"I think I know where your brother took Alina" he drove off "Really? Where!?" I asked "Joseph's house" he said "Why, what can he do?" I asked again.

"He's the one who revived your mother after she died giving birth to Evangeline" he said "He did?" I couldn't believe it.

"Speaking about mom....I think she might be pregnant again" I said "Sophie's pregnant again?" He sounded shocked "I think" I said.

"Wow..." He said "What?" I asked noticing his upset frown. "Nothing....I'll tell you some other time, right now we have to go see Joseph, ready?" He said.

"I guess" I whispered.

Thanks for reading- Anna

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