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It was lunch time and we all got up to leave. I was the last one of course. Soon the classroom was all alone and it was just Mr.Chandler and me.

"Welcome back?" He said still looking at his book "Thanks, I guess..." I whispered.

Hr finally looked up when I zipped my bag up "How've you been?" He asked "Confused, angry, anxious, and happy all at the same time" I rolled my eyes.

"Why" he said "I'm confused about what happened after I fell unconscious, I'm angry because of the hell I've been through, anxious to meet everyone, and happy to see James again." I looked away.

I was expecting him to be shocked but to my surprise he was totally calm. "Very well, go meet everyone" he motioned me to leave "Thanks for asking" I said sarcastically and slammed the door.

The only thing I was really angry about was still having feelings for him. They'll go away, hopefully.

I walked towards the cafeteria and sat at our usual spot. I waited and waited and not one of my friends showed up. Until Alina finally showed up and told me we moved from table.

"Why'd you guys move?" I asked "Because we liked it way better outside" she smiled. It was sunny and our new table had an umbrella in the middle.

The scenery was beautiful, I loved seeing nature do its thing. It was something that I enjoyed and didn't involve any cyborg similarities.

I saw James smiling widely at his phone "Sup guys" I said and waved at everyone "Jade!!!" They all screamed in unison. Everyone came up to hug me except James, he just looked down at his phone.

I wonder what was up with him. I haven't talked to him in months. I sat next to Jim since it was the only open seat. "Hey" I said and looked at him.

He looked up "Hi" he whispered "What's wrong?" I asked "Oh nothing" he said "Did I do something wrong?" I asked again "You never do anything wrong, I gotta go" he said and left. He said it in a sarcastically way though.

He upset me "So do you guys wanna go to the caves later on?" Vince asked everyone. The caves is a place where there's a lot of rain, it's slippery and it's like a forest with trees and caves.

It was a scary and dangerous place, there's myths about it. That a woman and her husband went to that forest for a walk and the stumbled upon a cliff. The couple ended up arguing and the woman walked further towards the end of the cliff and slipped off.

She fell to the ground and her husband freaked out when he saw that she landed in a hole that her body made once she hit the ground. It gave me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Now it rains and there's holes, cliffs and it's slippery. Worst of all they say her ghost haunts the place. I snapped back to reality "So you in Jade?" Vince asked me.

"I don't think it's a very good idea for us to go there Vince, it's too dangerous. Everyone sighed " C'mon Jade, we're only going to visit" Angel said.

I thought about it for a second when Alina whispered in my ear "James will be there" I looked at her. "Okay but only if you guys promise to not prank me" I said.

Everyone raised their hand and promised. I smiled. The whole lunch we kept talking about what Vince did while I was unconscious.

Alina sure adored him. I'm glad my brother found someone just right for him. Then lunch ended and it was time for class.

After school...
Mom let Vince drive her old car since she got a new one a month ago. When I met up with Vince, all of our friends were with him including James.

I got this weird feeling in my stomach....butterflies but it didn't feel good. I finally caught up to them "Hey guys" I said "Ready to go?" Vince asked "I'm a little scared but yeah" I said.

Everyone got into their cars and soon enough there was a line of cars behind us. The caves here we go!

Thanks for reading- Anna

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