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I walked Mr.Chandler to the front door "You need to understand that even though we're meant to be together....we aren't meant to be together, that make sense?" I asked.

He just sighed "Jade, I fell in love with your mother and begged her for years to be with me but I kept getting rejected....After that I met this other woman who I didn't love but I still married her and we have a daughter...." He said.

"Is that daughter Angelina Fong?" I asked "Yes that's my daughter" he looked down "She's a close friend of mine.....but you might know that already" I said.

"I do" he half-smiled "Why don't you tell her?" I asked "I'm afraid if I do, she'll tell her mother and go away" he said.

"Maybe I can help for that to not happen" I said "You'll do that for me?" He lightened up "Hold your horses, I meant for her.....I'll do it for her" I finished.

"Thank you Jade" he smiled "You're welcome" I smiled back "My daughter is the only one I have now, I've never really had a woman actually love me back though" he cried.

Mr.Chandler was actually crying! I frowned "I'm really sorry you've had a horrible life" I tried cheering him up "I'm used to it, have fun at that party" he whispered and turned away.

I watched as he walked towards his car. He looked miserable, maybe I should try getting him a lover.....a true lover.

I waved as he left and headed upstairs to get ready. My dress stopped on the low part of my knee and sleeveless with a V-neck shaped collar.

I added a red necklace and straightened my hair but pulled the front pieces to the back of my ear. I applied some red lipstick and eyeliner along with mascara.

Some stilettos and I'm done. I walked downstairs "Whoa, you look like you're going to some award show Jade!" Alina exclaimed.

"I over did it?" I asked worried "No prob some girls will only be wearing their underwear, at least you're covered all up" she winked.

"I think you need a long coat though, it could get chilli" Vince said "Vince c'mon let your sister live for once" Alina complained.

"So.....who's my date?" I asked "James" Alina squealed. I saw the brunette walk into the living room once she called his name.

His brown hair was neatly combed to the side and his blue eyes were just plain. He was wearing a button up shirt and some dark jeans with dress shoes.

He had a really sharp jaw line. He looked presentable "I'm James Bond" he smirked seductively "What's his last name Alina?" I asked.

"St. Hillaire" she said. St. Hillaire? Interesting last name "Cool" I smiled "What about you, pretty lady?" He asked "Aye, back off" Vince warned.

"I'm Jade Hathaway" I replied "Nice to meet you Jade" he grabbed my hand and kissed it which sent chills all over my body.

"Nice to meet you too James" I smiled "Let's go" Vince rolled his eyes. "Alright, after you my lady" James extended his left arm.

I walked outside and he ran in front of me opening the passenger door for me "Thank you" I smiled. He smirked again.

Alina and Vince were going in the other car. James turned on his car and put on some slow songs "How come I've never seen you around school?" I asked "I'm new actually" he said.

"Where'd you live before?" I asked again "Miami" he answered "That's really cool" I said.

"Yeah" he laughed "What's funny?" I asked "Jade, you need to're too tense" he smiled "I'm fine" I said "Yeah right" he laughed again.

"Listen Jade I really like you" he began "But you just met me..." I arched an eyebrow "I know but I want you to get to know me better" he said.

"I'd like to invite you out to dinner sometime" he smiled "I'd like that too" I smiled " about next Friday?" He asked "Sounds great" I said.

"Thanks for accepting" he smiled "Anytime" I replied. We kept talking about our hobbies and our likes and dislikes the whole way there.

When we got there the house was packed and there were lights flashing all over the house. I turned back to James but he was no where to be found.

I asked Alina and Vince but they didn't see him "Where the heck could he be?" I asked myself

Want to find out where James went? Stay tuned till next chapter!!

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