Chapter 2

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"ALVINA FAITH CASTILLO!" This voice couldn't be more familiar. I beamed and turned around. The brightest witch of our age embraced me with a bone crushing hug. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER" I hugged my best friend back. She's grinning like a Chesire cat; so do I. I studied her appearance, she hasn't changed much over the summer; except she grew a little taller than me. I gasped, "You're taller than me!" "I'm always taller than you." She teased. I fake gasped again, pretending to be offended. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder, "Move along, Castillo. You're blocking the way!" I turned around, not surprised to see the one and only devil himself, Draco Malfoy. I snorted, "Well, too bad, Malfoy. I like this spot so deal with it." No one is passing except him now, anyway. Malfoy glared at me, "You do realized you and your mudblood friend are standing in the middle of the train's corridor, right?" Just before I'm going to bite him back with a smart comeback, Hermione tugged my arms; signaling it's not worth getting into a fight with him. I flipped him off and followed Hermione into our compartment. I immediately received warm hugs that I've missed over the summer from Harry and Ron. My face light up and the previously irritable incident with Malfoy disappeared. I realized that they are all one head taller than me. Great, I'm officially the smallest in the group, sense the sarcasm? "We've missed you Alv." Ron exclaimed. I chuckled, "Same here, Ron. What am I going to do without you, my love?" I said in a dramatic way. "A day without you is like a day without rain! I can't sleep and eat well." Ron played along, making Harry and Hermione laughed. "I LAHVE YEW, RONALD WEASLEY." I said in a high pitch voice with kissy sound. Ron's face turned as red as a tomato as Harry laughed so hard I feel like he's going to passed out. Well, at least someone appreciate my unique humor. Hermione changed the subject, "How have you been, Alv? You don't write much in your letter." I can sense concern in her voice. "I'm fine. There wasn't anything exciting to share. How about you guys? Filled me in with the riot in the Quidditch World Cup!" Hermione started explaining how they wandered around the woods to avoid the death eaters and Malfoy taunting them. And someone cast The Dark Mark, a signature move for the Death Eater organization. I shivered at the thought of it. "Don woree, Al." I laughed at the sight of Ron tried to make out the words with chocolate frogs stuffed in his mouth as Hermione rolled her eyes. My attention turned to Harry; who was quietly starring out at the window. "Harry, is everything alright? You're awfully quiet." I furrowed my eyebrows. Harry shrugged, "My scar has been hurting more often ever since I'm starting to have weird nightmares." I looked at him sympathetically; I completely understand his feeling. Hermione, being the rational one in our group said," Well, you need to tell Sirius, Harry. This isn't right." He nodded and they chat along about Sirius. Ron continue to fill me in with the Quidditch game they watched. The way he described the game and how the players fly in a lightning speed makes me in awe. I've always been a Quidditch enthusiast; in fact, I'm in the Gryffindor Quidditch team; I'm an almighty chaser! My eyes widened when Ron showed me miniature figure of Victor Krum as Ron continue to ramble on his wondrous experience. "We saw him right up close as well!" said Ron, his face lit up. "We were at the top box-""For the first time and last time, Weasley." All our heads snapped at the direction from the doorway. We all know too well who that little bastard is. Draco Malfoy and his little gang, Crabbe and Goyle. "Don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy." Harry said coolly. "Weasley...what is that?" said Malfoy, pointing at a sleeve of dress robes dangling from Ron's luggage. Ron tried to stuff the robes out of sight, but Malfoy quickly snatched it. "Look at this!" said Malfoy in ecstasy, holding up the dress robes and showed Crabbe and Goyle. I tried to stifle a laugh, the dress robe is truly ridiculous, but what for? Malfoy continued, "Weasley, are you seriously thinking of wearing these? I mean- these were very fashionable in about eighteen ninety..." "Eat dung, Malfoy!" said Ron as he snatched the dress robes from Malfoy's grip. He howled with an aggravating laugh, " So, are you going to enter, Weasley? Maybe you can try to bring a bit of glory your family desperately needs. There's money involved as well, you know; you'd be able to afford some decent robe if you won..." I just looked at the others in confused face. As if we have some sort of telepathy; Ron and I both blurted out, "What are you talking about?" Malfoy ignored us and repeated, "Are you going to enter? I suppose you will, Potter? You never miss a chance to show off, do you? How about you, Castillo? I bet you can't even survive this" "Either explain or leave, Malfoy." Said Hermione bitterly. A wicked smile spread across Malfoy's face "You don't know?" he said delightedly. "You've got a father and brother at the Ministry and you don't even know? My father told me ages ago...He heard it from Cornelius Fudge, which isn't a surprise because father always associated with the top people at the Ministry...maybe your father is too low to know about it..." he smirked and left. My first instinct is to curse him out as loud as I can while Ron slammed the door so hard the glasses shattered. "Alvina, Ron!" Hermione said reproachfully as she repaired the door with a simple spell, "Reparo!" "My father associated with the top people at the Ministry blah blah blah." Ron mimicked Malfoy and I made a vomit noise. "Don't let Malfoy get to you guys, it's not worth it." Hermione said calmly. I rolled my eyes and Ron snarled," Get to me? Never in a million years!"

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