Chapter 2

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Jack P.O.V.

It's been four days. Don't they usually start to give up on someone after that?

I sat on to horribly cushioned chair and someone sits it the one across from me. When I glance up,Rap's emerald eyes are staring back at me.

"Brought you some food."she whispers, handing me a plate with a doughnut, bacon,and gronala bars.

"Thanks." I mutter in return.
I take a bite from the bacon even though I'm in now way hungry.

"Are you okay?" Rap asks,now sitting next to me.

"What kind of question is that?" I snap.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that,you know. Maybe while Elsa's asleep we could give 'us' a try. If she wakes up,I'll leave." she whispers,putting a hand on my shoulder.

That's probably the worst thing that anyone could do. But maybe that's why I'm so sad. Yeah,Elsa is a big part of it,but maybe it will make me a bit happier if I had someone to love.

"Okay." I whisper.

Elsa P.O.V.

"No!" I yell,slamming my fist in the wall. There's no way that Jack just accepted Rapunzel's request to date her while I'm sleeping. He was the one that I loved. The one I still do love.

I slide down the wall and start sobbing. I wish someone would've seen before it was to late. I wish I would've realized that something like this would happen. But its too late.

I don't want to wake up. Can't I just pull myself out of this coma into death? Because that seems like a reasonable choice right now.

But then what would happen to Anna? She's the only thing that is tugging at me to stay.

After two cruel hours of thinking, I make my decision. To stay. The only thing is I don't understand how I make myself wake up.

I get up and walk to my room,where my pale body lays with several machines hooked up to it.

I crawl onto the bed,laying next to myself. "Look,I know you probably hate Jack and Rapunzel. Or maybe you don't even know. But none the less, you need to stay. For Anna and Merida and everyone else. They'd be torn to shreads without you. I need you to wake up. Please." I mutter.


My eyes flutter open and the darkness of the room gets to me. I look down and see I'm hooked up to all the machines. Where I was sitting earlier holds air. Nothing more nothing less.

My shaky arm reached over an hits the nurse's call button. The nurse that first told Anna and Jack walks in.

She gasps when she sees me. "Your awake?"she whispers.

"Yeah." I croak. My voice is so cracked,and now I notice how thirsty and hungry I am.

"Are you thirsty?" she asks,and I give a small nod. She leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a plastic cup and a straw.

"I was supposed to give you water,but you don't seem like a water girl. I snuck some of my coca-cola in here." she smiles. I mutter a thank you and drink the whole cup in a matter of seconds.

"Do you want to see your friends?" she asks. I nod.

I want to see my friends,everyone but Jack and Rapunzel. We haven't even properly broke up and Jack dumps me in the grave and dates the cute one in the group.

I sigh as she goes to get them. The first to come in is Anna. "Elsa! Oh my god,you scared me so much!"she yells,running in here. She carefully tackles me into a hug and I smile.

"I'm sorry I scared you." I whisper.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize it before hand. I knew you were depressed,I just didn't think that it would come to this." she sighs,looking at the floor.

"It's alright Anna,you didn't do anything." I reply.

"I know,but,if you ever need someone to talk to,I'm here. Okay?"she asks,hopefully.

"Okay. Why don't you go get someone else to come in? I'm sure they're all dying to see me." I smile. She walks out and in comes Merida.

"Hey lass. How are ye?"she asks,falling into the chair.

"As good as can be expected." I sigh.

"Well,let's see. A celebrity got shamed for a bodily imperfection. Politicians argued. A sports team won. Another one lost. You can't just leave us like this,Elsa." she laughs.

We talk about normal stuff,and then she leaves. I'm happy she didn't bring up anything about the depression.

Flynn comes in next. "Hey,Elsie." he says,ruffling my hair. I laugh and shove him away. Even though he's two years older than all of us,he's one of my bestest friends. I trust him with anything.

"Hi. What's been going on?" I ask.

"Not much. I have taken interest in the show of 'River Monsters'. Thanks to you,I have been stuck here with Jack who has refused to leave." he smiles. But the words thanks to you linger in my mind.

"He really hasn't left?" I ask,even though I already know for a fact that he hasn't moved out of the waiting room unless to go to the bathroom.

"Nope not at all. Hey,if you want,Nod's throwing a party tomorrow night,maybe we could all go?" Flynn asks.

"If they let me out of here by then, I'll go." I smile.

"Sweet!" he says,I laugh. He goes to get the next person. And the suns just smiling upon me today.

It's Rapunzel.

A/N:I already broke my promise. I said I'd update yesterday,but I was so busy with school.

I'm gonna get into my Monday updating routine now. So this will be the last update until then! Hope you enjoy it so far!


(Shout out to my Angel,you know who you are ;) )

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