Chapter 14

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Elsa P.O.V.

I smile as the doorbell rings. When I finally get to the door,Jack has already opened it and looks a bit surprised (but mostly annoyed) to see Hiccup standing there with 3 boxes.

"Um,hi,Hiccup?"he says awkwardly.

"Hey Jack. Hello Els." Hiccup replies,trying to sound nice.

"Hey Hicc,come in!" I say with a warm smile. The truth is, I'm really excited to see him. Even though I'm 'dating' Jack,it's nice to have someone here that has my back. (A/N:Using those rhyming skills today! XD)

Hiccup walks through the door,and Jack helps him carry his last box in. "So,what's the deal?" Jack asks,leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Well, Hicc here is gonna live with us for awhile." I say smiling. Hiccup looks a bit guilty,and Jack gives me the look that says it all. "We need to talk."

"Um,where should I put all my stuff,Els?" Hiccup asks,looking around.

"Follow me." I say. I take him to the second floor, in the room next to Jack's.

"This is where you can stay for a bit. Fully functional bedroom!" I say,smiling and throwing my arms out.

"Sweet! Thanks so much,Els."he replies.

He sets his boxes down and sits on the bed. "Are you sure Jack's okay with this?" He asks.

"What do you  mean? Why wouldn't he be?" I ask.

"He seemed like this was a bad idea,not what he wanted downstairs."

"He's always like that,Hicc. It's nothing about you,I promise." I lie. It is something personal,I just don't know what. But whatever it is,Jack does not want Hiccup here.

"Well,I'll leave you to get settled in." I say before leaving. I sigh and walk to Jack's office.

The door is closed,so I know he's in there. I knock lightly on the door. "Yeah?"he answers from inside.

"Hey." I reply,walking in and closing the door behind me. He looks back down at his papers.

"What's wrong? Why don't you want Hiccup staying here?" I ask.

"It's because he dated you,and I feel like just when I got you back your going to leave for him." Jack says.

"Really? Jack,you know I couldn't do that." I reply.

"Well Elsa,people say a lot of things,but then turn around and do then anyway." Jack sighs.

"Oh don't you dare do that. You pulled that bullshit on me. Not the other way around." I say.

"When have I done that?" he asks,acting all innocent. He knows exactly when he did that.

"You did that with Punzie. You said that you would never leave me! But the moment I wasn't around,you go and date her! You became everything you said you'd never be!" I yell.

"Elsa,I stuck with my promises. I thought you were going to die,so I tried to move on at an early stage. I never technically left you. "

"Oh so going behind my back and cheating isn't leaving me?"

"Not in my book."

"That's because your book is the book of a sick whore who doesn't even know what he's saying!" I yell,before walking out and slamming the door.

We just got back together, and there he goes again,ruining it. Why did I think this time would be any different?

Because I'm a girl that nows nothing. I just now to try to act up to everyone else's expectations. But I fail them. Every single time.

I always ruin things. I had a good chance at impressing my dad a few months before he died with good grades, but I failed the biggest quiz and got my A+ taken down to a D-. Shows what I know.

Maybe this is the reason I'm depressed. I just need to separate myself from everything,focus on the second album,and think about what I want. If I want Hiccup instead of Jack,so be it.

There's nothing anyone can do to stop me anymore.

A/N:Sorry it took me so long to update. I've been busy with so much stuff. I'm really trying to update more often.

Thank you all so much for 1.15K!!!!! *hugs all of you* Next Goal: [ ] 100 Votes [ ]50 comments!

Shout Outs:

Who is your celebrity crush?
A:Josh Hutcherson. All the way.

If you could meet two Youtubers,who would they be?
A:Pewdiepie & Grav3yardgirl

~Angel ;)

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