Chapter 7

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Jack P.O.V.

I finish packing the rest of my stuff into the suitcases. I have to be to the airport in like an hour,but I'm pretty sure I have everything packed. Then again,I can't just come back and grab something whenever I feel like it.

I take a deep sigh and fall down for the last time on my soft bed. Outside,low-hanging clouds drift through the sky. In Washington, that's the normal weather. It's always damp, and there's barely any sun. I hope things change in New York.

I still can't swallow the fact that Elsa,a girl who previously tried to commit suicide, just got signed to one of the biggest record companies in the world. Who knows if she'd even make it big?

My phone starts ringing,so I reach over and grab it. The screen reads Elsa,so of course,I press answer.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"Yeah? You?"

"All set. Meet you at the airport in an hour."

"Okay. I love you,Els."

"Love you too,Jack." she says before hanging up. I still can't shake the fact that even though she said she loved me,it feels like she means the friendly love. Not the real love.

I push myself off of the bed and look in my closet for something decent. I choose a ice blue button up and jeans with my converse.

I drag my suitcases downstairs and take one last look around at my house. I won't be coming back for awhile.

I sigh then walk outside,locking my door behind me. I throw the suitcases in the trunk then get in the front,on my way to pick up Elsa.

I really hope this idea doesn't turn out as bad as it feels.

Elsa P.O.V.

I take multiple deep breaths as Jack pulls up. I drag my suitcase and duffel bags behind me as I walk outside towards his car.

I put the bags in his backseat then get in the passenger seat. "Ready to be NYC bound?" he asks,starting the car.

"Oh,but we already are,Jack." I say playfully as we drive off.

~at the airport ~

I sit patiently as I wait for Aster to come. We are about five minutes early. A flight attendant approaches us. "What flight are you waiting for?" she asks.

"We don't have one." Jack states blandly.

"What do you mean?" the attendant asks.

"What he means is that we are going on a private jet." I reply.

"I'll take care of this." a male voice says from behind us. I tur n around and see a man that looks mid-30's. He has ashy-gray hair with sideburns and looks pretty muscular. Even though he looks intimidating, I feel like he has a nice side to him.


"Aster." the man says. Oh,this is the guy I talked to on the phone.

"Come on,kids,our jet awaits." Aster says,taking our bags.

As soon as we are close to the jet,which mind you is huge,Aster looks at me. "Ms.Winters, we did not agree on bringing another guest,now did we?" he whispers.

"He's my best friend. I couldn't just leave him there." I mutter.

"Is he here for business reasons? Is he trying to sign the label?" Aster asks.

"No,who knows if he even can sing." I shrug.

"Alright,but he may have to live with you until further arrangements are made." Aster says. I nod as we board the jet.

It looks amazing. Almost like a living room. There's a giant hald circle shaped leather couch and the opposite wall holds a flat screen.

Aster takes the bags to the back as Jack and I sit on the couch. "Nervous much?" Jack asks,looking at my hands,which are shaking uncontrollably.

"Shut up." I mutter. Aster comes back in and sits at the far end of the couch.

We take off a few seconds later,to my surprise. "How long is the flight?" Jack asks.

"Four hours,give or take depending on traffic." Aster says. We stare at him confused. "It was a joke." he says. I giggle.

"So,Elsa,would you mind singing a song so I can get a feel about what we should do." Aster asks. I nod and try to think of a song to sing. I decide on a song I wrote a few days ago.

(Song used:Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri)

I know I can't take one more step
Towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know
I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live half-alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Running round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
Your gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

I hear your asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown to strong
To ever fall back in your arms

I learned to live half-alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
Your gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time the we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises
And now your back,you don't get to get me back!

And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
Your gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me,don't come back at all

And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
Your gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me,don't come back at all

Who do you think you are?
Wbo do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?

I stop and take a breath. Jack stares at me and Aster looks deep in thought. "Okay,so first wow." Aster says. "And second,you literally don't need any editing. And third,I deeply and truly believe that you will make it big."

"Hear that Els? Your dreams coming true." Jack whispers.

"Yeah,but fairy tales aren't real. From experience, if you lose your shoe at midnight, your drunk." I whisper.

A/N:Okay,a few things to get clear:

1.)Elsa's 19. And the last sentence, most teenagers have under age drank before. She's only done it once.

2.)Aster is Bunny from Rise Of The Guardians. Just imagine him as a human.

Okay? Okay.

Lately the description has been disappearing, so I have had to rewrite it. Just putting that out there.

Don't forget! Giveaway thingy, my Big 8 (had one taker @tigerwood123) and My Angel Squad!


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