Chapter 19

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My eyes flutter open and the sunlight nearly blinds me. I groan and prop myself up on one elbow, seeing Alex next to me. Upon closer inspection, he has no shirt on.

Oh no,oh no,no! I didn't,did I? I couldn't have! I dont cheat! But did I? Oh my god, what did you do Elsa!?

I let out a shaky breath as Alex wakes up. "Woah Elsa,you're...." he starts.

"Yeah, you are too!" I say. He lifts up the blanket and looks down,then shuts his eyes and groans.

"What did we do last night?" he asks.

"I don't know,you tell me!" I say as I get dressed. I walk out of the bedroom and grab all of my stuff.

"Elsa don't be mad!" he yells from the room.

"You're lucky that last night was the last show of tour!" I yell before closing the door. I close my eyes for a brief moment before walking down the hall.

That was the last time I saw Alex.

---------------- *Two Months Later*

I sigh before shutting off my laptop. I lean back in the office chair,and the same memories that have been haunting me come back. Alex.

The phone rings,and I pick it up. "Hello?"I ask.

" Elsa,dear. I would like you and Jack to write a duet,if possible? We need to release a single by the end of the week. You haven't released anything since August."Aster says.

"Since 'The Hills.'" I reply.

"Yes,it's October now. We need a new release."Aster says.

"I get it."

"Have it recorded by Thursday,so we can get editing done by Saturday,which means releasing it on Sunday."

"Bye,Aster." I say,with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Bye Elsa." he replies before hanging up.

I let out a breath,before hearing someone knock at the door. A groan escapes my lips.

"Come in." I say. Jack walks in,his eyes puffy.

"I know what you did." he whispers.

"What?" I ask. My eyes widen,hoping he doesn't know about Alex.

"What you did with Alex last summer." he answers. My heart breaks in half,and my stomach drops.

"No,I didn't mean it,it was...." I start.

"Save it,Elsa."he says,looking down at the floor.

A tear escapes my eyes,but all I can say is," We have to have a duet recorded by Thursday. Aster says."

"Okay. I'll write my part, you can write yours then." he replies before leaving.

Tears flow steadily down my face,and all the memories I tried so hard to forget come back. My suicide attempt, Jack and Rapunzel, when Jack and I broke up, my cutting, and the worst, Alex.

If I never see him again,it will be too soon.


An hour later,Jack gives my his part of the duet. He titled it 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'. It's about me and Alex.

I add my part in as I continue to cry. So much for a happy life, this by far ruins it all. And it's my fault.

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