Chapter 15

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Elsa P.O.V.

"And we want to give you your own reality show."the business woman says. I look over at Jack,and bite my lip.

"Um,I don't know about that." I reply.

"Why?" she presses on.

"Well,we don't want to change our daily lives or have the last little bit of privacy exploited by having a reality show." Jack answers. His hand holds a tight grip on mine under the table.

"Yes,but the thing your not getting is that you are getting the chance of a lifetime,many people would kill to have an offer like this. And we came to you." she says.

"We get that. But right now,as if this  moment, we don't want your offer. Now,goodbye." I say. She makes a remark then leaves.

"Well,that was interesting. A reality show?" I ask,wrapping my arms around his neck.

"A reality show." he confirms. I press my lips against Jack's for a minute before pulling away.

If you were wondering,yes,we got over the fight and got back together. It took us awhile,but we made it work.

"Um,guys?"Hiccup asks. I look at the doorway and see him leaning on the frame. "I'm,uh,gonna leave for a little."

"Yeah,where are you going?"I ask.

"Uh,Im just gonna go look at some apartments nearby."he says.

"So,your thinking of staying in New York?"Jack asks. Hiccup nods in reply.

"That's great! Good luck Hiccup."I say before he leaves.

"Well,I'm starving. I'm gonna go make food."I say,pushing myself out of the office chair.

"What kind of food?"Jack asks.

"The kind of food you eat."

"What kind of food you eat?"

"Good food you eat."I say before leaving the office and walking into the kitchen.

I make a quick salad and throw a pizza in the oven. "Wanna go watch TV?"Jack asks leaning over the counter.

"Sure."I take my salad and follow Jack into the living room. Jack turns on Dance Moms,which he knows is my favorite show.

"So,I have to questions."Jack says during commercials.

"And what two questions are those?"I ask.

"Well,one,I was thinking of maybe proposing soon."he says hestitantly.

"Jack,we've been dating....four months? I just got over depression. Can you imagine what the paparazzi would be like? We should wait at least a month."I explain.

"Okay,forget I asked. Oh,and two,I want to make my own album."he says. I drop my fork and look at him wide-eyed.

"You really do?"I ask.

"Yeah."he replies.

"Uh....I can see what I can do."I say before turning back to the TV.

I'm actually not wanting to talk to Aster about getting Jack on the label. If we were both working,doesn't that mean we won't have any time together?

But then again,if I say no,it could be the end of our relationship again. What did I get myself into?

Sorry for taking so long to update. Even if it's short,it's an update none the less.

Okay....I have a cool  update for you guys:

I'm giving a special two of you readers a character! Just comment your favorite part of the book so far!

I will choose two people completely randomly,so please do not be offended if you do not get a character.

I will shout out and PM you if you win! Dead line is so far next Friday,but I may extend it :)


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