Chapter 13

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Jack P.O.V.

The other Jack left,and Anna and Kristoff left early this morning. Elsa left for the recording studio, so I'm left here alone.

She's been doing pretty good in her singing career. Five songs have been released,and she has a concert next Thursday. After six more songs,and her first album will be released.

100 million listeners. Her concert is already sold out. 100 million listeners.

I shake my head as I walk up the main staircase. Soon,I end up in her room. Sure,call me what you want,but I'm just comforted being where she has been.

I sit on her bed and something sharp jabs my thigh. I jump up and fumble around for it. My hand wraps around a handle and I pull it out. A pocket knife.

She's gone back to cutting.

But where? She only had the original seven scars I've seem before on her wrist. Jack. There's other places. Stomach,thighs.

I sigh and slip it in my pocket. I refuse to sit around and watch Elsa slowly kill herself. So instead,I'll force her to stop by taking what she uses.

Elsa P.O.V.

I stand,staring at the jammed New York traffic. A voice startles me. "Elsa?" its male,but seems so familiar. I turn and see that brown hair and eyes that I have come to miss.

"Hiccup?" I ask as he jogs towards me. I smile when he wraps me in a hug. It' gives me a sense of security, a sense of home.

He pulls away but keeps his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay? I've heard your songs and I'm getting mixed signals." he asks.

"I'm doing okay. It's not my best day but I've been worse." I reply.

"Hiccup,where....ELSA!" a female voice screeches. I recognize that one anywhere. Rapunzel.

My eyes turn into a glare as she runs foward and hugs me,but I refuse to hug back. "Elsa I've missed you so much!" she squeals.

"Sure you have." I reply,my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"What do you mean?" she asks,pulling away and sounding genuinely concerned.

"We both know that you don't miss me,you miss Jack. You just came here to see him and fall in love with him and steal him behind back. Again. But this time,I womt stand for it. If you so much as lay a finger on him,that pretty little face of hours will never attract any man again. And believe me when I say I'm not afraid to hurt my old friend." I snap. She looks surprised,but her eyes say she knows I'm telling the truth.

"Elsa,we should be leaving. " Hiccup says.

"Okay,it was nice to see you,though. Are you staying in New York for awhile?" I ask,finally cooling down.

"Yeah,I have a hotel room for the week. Rap here leaves tomorrow." he replies.

"Good. Well,bye Hiccup." I say,giving him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

As I walk away,I can feel Rapunzel's glare digging into my back.

Rapunzel P.O.V.

I glare at her as she walks away. She knew my plan. Sure,I like Jack. A lot. But she still is my friend. At least,I consider her one.

Yeah,I did steal Jack while she was in a coma,but she was asleep,how did she know that until I told her?!

None the less,now she's threatening me. I've been reading the tabloids saying that she's a rising star. But nowhere does it say that she's dating anyone.

All except one picture of Jack and her shopping. But that doesn't give me a clue.

I want Jack.

And what I want,I get.

A/N:I know its a bit short,but I really am trying to get back to my longer chapters.

Rapunzel wont always be the bad guy. At some point I'm going to try to have Elsa and her become friends again.

Random Question:Has anyone seen the movie Benchwarmers? I was watching it while writing this.

Also any Dance Moms fans reading? If so,DANCE MOMS FOREVER!!


Questionnaire thingy that I said I would do:

Q: If you could only travel to three other places in the world other than your home state,where would you go?

A: Los Angeles,because it seems cool.

Ireland,to learn about my heritage.

Africa,I feel a strange need to recreate Wildest Dreams and get chased by a hippopotamus.

Looking for more questions!

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