Chapter 2

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Wren's POV

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping obnoxiously. Sighing, I shut it off and got up. Today was my first day of classes and I was determined to be prepared for it. 

As I continued to get ready for my day, I looked over at Tessa's side of the room. Her bed had bright purple silk sheets and a matching comforter. Her desk and closet were organized to absolute perfection. Everything was in its place except for one thing... Tessa herself.

She never came in after the party. Her bed was still made perfectly, proving that it had been untouched. She probably hooked up with some guy, I thought. I decided not to give it much thought. After all, she was the one who made it very clear she didn't want to see me unless she had to. 

I left my room to meet up in the cafeteria with  Cameron for breakfast. 

I got to the cafeteria early and I didn't see Cameron anywhere. As I approached an empty table, I felt two arms wrap tightly around my waist and I heard a husky whisper in my ear.

"Good morning, beautiful", Cameron whispered.

"Hey", I said as I twisted in his arms to face him. "How was the party?"

"Gotta say, college kids really know how to throw a good party", he said as we both sat down at our table.

"Awesome", I replied. "So how hungover are you?"

"Umm pounding headache and seriously thirsty", he answered. "Could be worse."

I passed him my water bottle which he downed in one big sip. 

"Thanks", he muttered.

"No problem."

"So how drunk was Tessa when she came in last night? That girl sucked back way too many shots."

"She actually never came in last night."

"Oh what a shame", he said sarcastically. "I wonder who the lucky guy is."

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

"Sam Blanchard? Right, I forgot they were together."

"She doesn't really act like they're a couple."

Cameron simply shrugged and went to get us both some waffles. My curiosity was creeping up on me, but I forced it down. Tessa would probably be back by the end of the day. And I wasn't supposed to snoop around. I would just have to wait.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

I walked into my first criminology class and sat in the back. Students filed in and filled the empty seats. I looked around and recognized none of them. I wasn't surprised though. Nobody I knew was interested in criminology.

"Good morning, class. My name is Professor Roth", the professor said as he walked into the classroom. "One thing you should know about this class is that you will have to work hard if you have any hope of passing. This is not a slack-off course so if you came hoping to do no work, you are free to leave."

Nobody left. "Excellent", Professor Roth said. 

The first lesson was easy, as first lessons always are. He had us solve mini mysteries or cases which wasn't that difficult. 

10 minutes before the end of class, a cop interrupted the class accompanied by the dean of students. 

"Sorry to interrupt your class everyone", the cop began. "But there is some devastating news that we need to share."

Confused mumbles filled the classroom and students started to look panicked. 

"A student of ours, a freshman, was found dead this morning at the venue of a party that took place last night. Her name is Tessa Winters and she appears to have committed suicide. If anyone has any additional information or questions, they are welcome to come to the police. Thank you for your time."

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