Chapter 13

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Cameron's POV

Why do I keep making mistakes?

My homework sat in front of me, the pages full of wrong answers. I just couldn't seem to get any of it right.

I'm so tired...

The pages of the textbook began to blur and then come back into focus. I was way too tired for this. The music coming out of my earbuds wasn't nearly loud enough, it was hardly keeping me awake.

The song currently playing was a slow song. I knew it immediately. House Of Cards by Tyler Shaw.

That was the song playing when Wren and I were at that party in LA over a year ago. We had danced to that song. I remember thinking that the song was way too short and I never wanted it to end.

Don't be stupid, Cameron. Everything ends. Every good thing ends.

I decided to change the song. The next song on my playlist was slow. So was the one after that.

Eventually, I gave up and decided to quit doing homework for a while. I wasn't getting very far anyway.

I closed the textbook and sat back in my chair. I looked around my dorm room which was empty. Cold. Lonely.

My roommate was some party freak. I hardly ever saw him. The only thing he'd been good for was free alcohol when I needed it.

The room was totally quiet but my mind was loud. Lyrics from the song I had just been listening to repeated themselves over and over again.

Something was missing from my house of cards...

All that I needed was the queen of my heart...

It's magic the way you came around...

The words used to seem so relevant. I kept telling myself that those days are over. That the "queen of my heart" wasn't coming back. But I couldn't shake the feeling.

I just couldn't.

I had to stop making mistakes. I needed to fix this, for real this time.

I got up to go to Wren's dorm. I had no idea what I'd say to her when I got there, but I knew something had to be done. We needed each other. Or at least I needed her. And for now, that was enough.

+ + + + + + + + + +

I was approaching Wren's door and my heart was beating really fast.

Why am I so nervous? Ugh, I need to get it together.

I was about to knock on her door, but something stopped me. Voices.

Wren's voice... and a guy's voice. I stopped outside her door and listened closely.

"Well maybe you can help me", the male voice said. "You see, I'm missing something too."

"What are you missing?", Wren responded.

"I think you know."

I knew that voice... Sam. Sam Blanchard. Tessa's boyfriend. Why was he in Wren's room? He was dangerous, I knew it. Had Wren solved the case? Did Sam kill Tessa?

It dawned on me that Wren could be alone in a room with a killer.

"I don't have your gun", I heard Wren say.

Gun? What gun?

"I assume you solved the case then?", Sam said.

"You mean the one where the boyfriend murders his girlfriend and tries to pass it off as suicide? Yeah, I solved it", Wren answered.

Oh my god. She solved it. Sam was the killer and Wren was stuck in a room with him. They talked more but a lot of it was muffled.

The next thing Sam said was perfectly clear.

"How much do you want to bet I could get away with the murder of the brilliant Wren Morrow?"

I could picture Sam with some sort of weapon in his hand and he was ready to kill her. I couldn't let it happen.

I grabbed the door knob and turned but the door wouldn't budge. It was locked.

A thump came from inside the room and the sound of struggle followed it. I threw my weight against the door, feeling the hinges creak. It still wouldn't open.

Then I heard Wren scream for help. So loud. I had never heard anyone scream so loudly. The screaming stopped abruptly. The silence made me more worried. I tried the door again with the same result.

Sam yelled in pain but recovered quickly. I don't know what happened next but Wren screamed. A blood curdling scream.

I was desperate to get to her at this point. I ran at the door which finally swung open with a loud bang.

In the room, I found Wren lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Sam had her pinned to the ground with a knife in his hand.

He looked up at me with pure anger. He got up and ran at me with the knife in hand. He threw me against the wall and held the knife up, ready to stab me too. I grabbed the hand holding the knife and twisted it so the blade pointed at Sam.

I shoved myself off the wall and into Sam who screamed. He fell to the floor with a blade stuck in his chest.

I rushed to Wren who was hardly conscious.

"Wren", I whispered as I pulled her into my arms. She whimpered in pain as I held her and I had to be careful not to put pressure on her side.

I saw the deep gash where Sam had stabbed her and my heart broke for her.

"Don't worry Wren, I'm here... I'm here... I'm here..."

I just held her until the ambulance came and took her and Sam away.

+ + + + + + + +

They wouldn't let me in to see Wren. She had just gotten out of surgery but they kept telling me that she wasn't ready for visitors.

I waited though. For a long time. Hours.

Finally, a nurse in purple scrubs told me Wren was awake and she was asking for me.

I walked into her hospital room and found her hooked up to an IV. Her face was pale and her hair was tangled but she was still so beautiful.

"Cameron?", she whispered.

"It's me", I answered. "I'm here."

"Thank you for saving the day", she said as I sat down in the chair beside her bed.

"No problem", I replied with a smile. I reached for her hand and held it in mine. Her fingers were cold. Almost blue.

"He did it. Sam killed Tessa", she said.

"Wren, I know. I heard the whole conversation."

"Oh." She paused and considered this. "I found a gun in his car, you know."

She told me the whole story of how she solved the case. It was brilliant and I was proud of her. But scared too because this skill she had for solving things had almost gotten her killed this time.


Hey guys!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so happy to say that every chapter of this story has a vote so thanks to those of you who voted, I really appreciate it. Keep reading guys! There's more to come. Comments and votes welcome,


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