Chapter 7

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Wren's POV

It was 2 days after Tessa's funeral and I was still thinking about Sam. I wanted to get to know him more because I needed to find out what actually went down between him and Tessa the night of her death. He definitely lied to me. 

The only problem was that I couldn't think of an approach to take with Sam. He was a hard nut to crack just because of how hard he's taken the death of his girlfriend. I doubted that he would open up to a stranger like me. Therefore, I had to get creative. 

I was in my dorm room emailing my criminology paper to Professor Roth when my phone buzzed. The name that appeared on the screen warmed my heart. Halley. I hadn't heard from her in so long. We hadn't found many opportunities to talk since I got to Millennium. She's busy. I'm busy. We always catch each other's voicemail. I guess I was lucky today.

I pressed the accept button on my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey Halley", I said as I put the finishing touches on my email to Professor Roth.

"Hi Wren, how's the college life treating you?", she asked.

"Pretty good", I answered. "Never gets boring around here."

"Yeah, I heard that you had a student die on campus."

"Yeah, Tessa Winters actually. Remember her?"

Halley gasped. "You're kidding", she said in disbelief.

"Not even a little bit."

"Oh my god. Anyway, I have a message from mom."

"Couldn't she give it to me herself?", I asked. 

"She was about to, but then Mia started crying", Halley answered, referring to one of my little sisters. 

"Oh", I muttered, disappointed that I couldn't hear my mother's voice. "Well what's the message?"

"She wants to invite you and Cameron to dinner tomorrow night. Something about really getting to know your boyfriend."

"Yikes", I said under my breath. That would be really awkward. 

"Also", Halley continued. "Mia and Penelope really miss you."

My heart swelled. I missed my little sisters too. I hadn't seen them in a really long time. 

"Okay, yeah. I'll talk to Cameron."

"Okay, just get back to me soon."

"Alright, love you. Bye Halley."

"Bye Wren."

I hung up and thought about what dinner with Cameron and my parents would be like. Probably torturous. A bit awkward. Painful. But I couldn't hide Cameron from my family forever.

 My parents never found out that I had seen him when we were on LA 2 summers ago. Halley had kept our secret. 

Well secrets can't be kept forever. Time for Cameron to meet my family. 

+ + + + + + + + + +

A half our later, Cameron knocked on the door to my dorm room. I opened it and let him in. He kissed my cheek before walking past me and sitting down in my desk chair.

"So", he began. "What was so important that you had to interrupt the writing of my essay for class. Not that I'm complaining. School is so boring."

"Well, Halley called", I began awkwardly. 

"You wanted me to come here because your sister called you?"

"No. She said that my mother wants us to go over and have dinner... tomorrow night..."

Just a Lifetime- Cameron Boyce fanfic.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن