Chapter 9

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Wren's POV

I woke up with a start. My clock said 3:43 am. I hadn't even been asleep for an hour. Another restless night. But let's be honest. Every night had been restless. 

Cameron broke up with me a week ago. I guess I'd taken it really hard, but how could I not? It was all my fault. 

My curiosity got the better of me and my need to investigate ruined us. I should have known.

 At least he didn't get beaten up this time. Last time it got pretty ugly. 

I glanced at my clock. 3:46. There was no way I'd get back to sleep. Instead of tossing and turning in an  attempt to fall asleep, I got up and went to my desk.

Criminology had been receiving a lot of my attention these days. I had been studying in my free time instead of spending time with Cameron. Lucas and I were at the local library a lot. I found that getting lost in the world of criminology took my mind of Cameron. At least for a little while.

I opened up my laptop so that I could continue working on my paper for class. As I opened the document, I realized that the paper was already finished. It wasn't even due for 2 more weeks. 

I'm not going to lie, my marks had improved wildly since Cameron and I broke up. Look at the bright side, Wren.

There was no school work for me to do, so I decided to go back to bed. Might as well toss and turn for a while.

+ + + + + + + + + +

The next morning, Lucas came to my dorm with a large cup of coffee and a bag of muffins.

"Good morning", I said in a tired voice and I opened the door.

"Hey, how are you?", he asked. I knew he was concerned about me. He was always asking me how I was. And he brought me a lot of coffee. That was a plus. 

"Coffee deprived", I said as I gladly took the cup from him. I took a sip and sighed as the warm liquid slid down my throat. It was made exactly how I like it. Lucas knew me well.

"So what are todays plans?", Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking going to the library this afternoon after I ask Professor Roth for more extra credit work", I answered. 

"More extra credit stuff?", he asked. I shrugged and took another sip of coffee. "Wow at this point you have to be way ahead of the class."

"Well what else am I gonna do?", I asked.

"I don't know. Socialize? Make friends?"

"I don't need friends, I have you."

"Maybe get to work on your case?"

I sighed. I felt guilty about taking up the case again because it tore Cameron and me apart. I knew that nothing was in my way now and I could figure out who killed Tessa without any interruptions but it felt wrong. 

"I guess I could", I mumbled. 

"I bet you're really close, Wren."

He was right. I probably was. I just needed motivation to actually finish this thing. But for now, I could put it off a little.

+ + + + + + + + + +

3 hours later, Lucas and I were wrapping up another study session in the library. These had to stop, Professor Roth was running out of extra work to give me.

"Okay, ready to get going?", Lucas asked as he packed up his stuff.

"I think I'm actually gonna hang around here for a while", I said.

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