Chapter 10

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Cameron's POV

I was starting to feel lonely. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time by myself which made me realize that I don't have a lot of friends. I never needed them, I always had Wren. 

It was a dramatic change and I found myself thinking about Wren all the time. How could you just get over someone who was the most important thing in your life? How do you kill a feeling?

The day I broke up with Wren, I had been trying to convince her that this case was a bad idea. She could get hurt. She was getting in way over her head. I was only trying to keep her safe, honestly. 

It all happened so fast and the next thing I knew, I was walking out the door. 

I wanted to go back the second I left, but I knew I couldn't. I had crossed a line this time. I had taken it too far. I doubted she'd even want me back. 

Leave it to me to screw up the most important relationship in my life. 

Today, I was on my way to the cafeteria. I had avoided going there because it is considered the social central at this school. No matter how old you are, sitting alone at lunch never gets less humiliating. 

Today was different though. Maybe I would make a friend. Maybe I would make a connection and then I wouldn't have to be alone all the time. That was what I hoped for anyway. 

I walked into the cafeteria that was filled with students talking, studying, taking selfies with their friends... Needless to say, I was immediately overwhelmed. 

After waiting in line for some food, I began to search for a place to sit. I found a table with a couple empty seats so I made my way over and sat down. The kids who were already at that table gave me a annoyed look and got up to leave. 

Looks like I'm eating alone.

20 minutes later, I got up to leave. I quickly dumped my food in the garbage and headed towards the door. At this point, a quiet afternoon alone in my dorm sounded really good. Who needed friends anyway? Not this guy.

I bumped into someone on my way out. I guess I wasn't paying attention. Or my eyesight just sucks. Or I'm not very good at walking. It was probably a combination of all those things.

"Hey watch where you're going", a girl to my left said.

"Oh sorry", I said while looking up. I saw Wren looking back at me with the same shocked expression that I undoubtedly wore on my own face. 

"S-sorry...", I muttered again. I began to walk away. 

"Cameron wait", Wren said in a voice that was hardly above a whisper. If you weren't paying attention, you would have missed it. But I was paying attention, and she knew it. 


"You were right."

"Right about what?", I asked.

"About Sam", she lowered her voice even more. "He is dangerous."

"Of course he his, Wren", I said, frustrated now. She finally gets it? Cool. 

"I just thought you should know.."

"Know that I was right to want to protect you? Okay awesome, thanks."

"That's not what I-"

"Save it, Wren. We've done this before." I touched her arm and leaned closer to her ear. "I need you to know that I'm going to look out for you... Even if you don't want me to. Just let me do it."

I didn't wait for her to reply, I just walked away. I didn't want to risk losing my temper again. She didn't need that and I didn't either. We've both had enough for a while. 

That didn't mean that I don't love her though. She's the kind of person who I will always have feelings for, even when I'm old and married and close to death. I'll just never stop loving her.

Maybe that's the sad part too. Just because you love someone, doesn't mean that you are going to spend the rest of your life with them. Sometimes it's just not meant to be. 

Wren's POV

My little run-in with Cameron had left me shaken. I shouldn't have fought off his good intentions. 

For the longest time, I had been trying to justify my actions and blame this whole thing on Cameron. But he was just trying to protect me, like any good boyfriend should. 

Ugh I really messed up.

I would have to deal with this some other time though. Today I was going to see a gun specialist and get him to examine the gun I found in Sam's car. I needed him to tell me what kind of gun it was. After that, I'd have to find out the kind of gun that killed Tessa and go from there. This was a serious lead and I was determined to follow it as far as it would take me. 

I pulled into the parking lot of a sketchy looking gun shop. It was unsettling but I knew I would have to do this.

I walked in and made my way to the front counter.

"Hey there miss, what can I do for you today?", asked a clerk behind the counter. His name tag said 'Robbie' on it.

"I was wondering if you could examine a gun for me", I said. I pulled the gun out of my bag and put it on the counter. 

Robbie picked it up and turned it over in his hands, looking at it very closely.

"This here is a-"

"Could you just write it down?", I asked. I knew that the model of the gun would mean nothing to me and I definitely wouldn't remember it. 

Robbie seemed to understand and he quickly scribbled down the model of the gun on a yellow post-it note. 

"Thanks", I said as I took the folded paper from his outstretched hand. 

"You have a good day now", he said. I nodded and quickly left the store.

Once I was in my car, I read the note on the paper. The words and numbers meant nothing to me. It would start to matter when I got the model of the gun Tessa was holding.

A familiar pang of excitement coursed through me. It was the one that I always got when I was getting somewhere on a case. I told myself it was what progress felt like. 


Hey guys,

So there's a little bit of everything this chapter. There's some of Cameron's POV, some relationship stuff, and also some casework. I hope you're liking it. Keep reading! Feedback would be much appreciated.


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