Chapter 3

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Wren's POV

"I really think you should reconsider taking this case", Cameron said while we were sitting on my bed in my dorm room one day.

"Cam, I already told Stacey I'd do it", I said in an almost aggravated tone. Cameron wasn't pleased that I was doing this. Maybe for a few reasons. I know he wanted me to be safe but he also wanted to ensure that our relationship was as healthy as possible. Taking cases was not the best way to do that. 

"Wren, you're going to find a killer on purpose. Has it not occurred to you that you might be in danger?"

To be honest, the thought hadn't really occurred to me. I guess adrenaline was clouding my judgment.  All I knew was that this case was actually a big deal. It was serious.

I didn't know what to say in response to Cameron but luckily, I didn't need to come up with anything. There was a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Stacey holding a manilla envelope.

"Hey Wren", she greeted. "I got the pictures you wanted to see."

"Oh, yeah okay. Come on in", I said as I held the door open for her. She slowly made her way inside and stood in the middle of the room.

"Hi Stacey", Cameron said politely.

"Oh, hey", she answered, shyly. I guess not everyone was used to having a minor celebrity in their midst. 

I scanned the pictures to clarify that what Stacey suspected was true. And sure enough, it was. The picture showed Tessa laying on the floor, her eyes wide open and she was surrounded by a pool of her own blood. A hand gun sat in the palm of her right hand while a bullet hole gushed blood on the left side of her head.

"You were right, Stacey", I said as I looked up from the pictures. "The whole crime scene is compromised now."

"Thank god you believe me", she said in relief. "No one else has. They think I lied about her being left handed."

"She's definitely left handed", Cameron said.

"How would you know?", Stacey inquired. 

"Well I remember watching her write love notes to me in class last year. She always used her left hand", he answered.

"That actually clears that up nicely. Props", I said as I gave him a playful wink. Maybe if he thought he was contributing, he wouldn't be so against this whole thing. 

"So now that you clarified my theory, what's the next step?", Stacey asked.

"Well, now I need to talk to some people who were at the party. Hopefully find some witnesses, you know people who saw Tessa there", I answered. "That means I need a list of party guests."

Cameron immediately went to my desk and found a pen and some paper and wrote the names of about 20 people. 

"Here", he said as he handed the piece of paper to me. "All people who I met at the party. See if you can find any information out of any of them."

"Thanks", I said, clearly impressed. He smiled and went back to sit on the bed, looking slightly pleased with himself.  

"Okay Stacey, I'll see what I can find out and I'll get back to you", I said.

She smiled appreciatively and left the room. I looked through the list of people and my eye landed on a name that stuck out. Mo Skinard. I'd heard that name before.

"Hey Cam", I said, getting Cameron's attention. 

"Yeah?", he asked, looking up from his phone.

"Who's Mo Skinard?"

"He's the most popular drug dealer on campus. He talked to pretty much everyone at the party. I think he was trying to find new customers. Probably a good place to start."

"I think I will start with him, thanks."

He shrugged and went back to looking at his phone. 

+ + + + + + + + + +

Mo Skinard wasn't that hard to find. All I had to do was ask a group of stoners which dorm was his and they happily told me. I was on my way there with Cameron by my side.

"I don't think you should go see that guy by yourself", he'd said. "Could be dangerous."

I rolled my eyes. "Crossing the street can be dangerous", I mumbled. 

We found the room pretty easily. It was the only door that had paper UFOs and aliens taped all over it. I knocked and waited for Mo to answer. After a couple minutes, the door opened a crack. When he saw us, he smiled in relief.

"Oh thank god, I thought you would be the campus police", he said. "Sorry I took so long, I had to hide my stash. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Wren and this is Cameron", I said, introducing myself. "I have a couple questions to ask you."

"About drugs...?", Mo asked hopefully.

"About the party last night."

"Oh right... What do you want to know?"

"Did you see Tessa Winters there?"

"Oh that dead chick. Yeah I did. I gave her my drug talk. I was hopeful that she would be a new customer."

"Did she accept?"

"No. Someone dragged her away before I could finish making my offer."

I looked at Cameron excitedly and he returned the look. "Who dragged her away?"

"Some chick. I think they were friends."

"Do you know her name?", I asked hopefully. 

"Yeah, I offered her drugs too. I think her name was Tori... I can't remember a last name... Sorry, most of last night is kind of a blur."

"Actually, you've been really helpful. Thank you."

I dragged Cameron out of the room quickly and I made my way for my dorm. 

"Do you know who Tori is?", I asked.

"No, sorry. I bet Stacey does though", he responded.

Back at my dorm, I composed a tex to Stacey.

To: Stacey

Hey do you know who Tori is? I think she was  friend of Tessa's. A witness says he saw them going somewhere together. 

A response came almost immediately. 

From: Stacey

Tori Jefferson was Tessa's friend. They hung out a lot. Don't know much about her.

I quickly powered up my laptop and went on Facebook. I searched Tori Jefferson in the search bar and sure enough, her profile came up. Her profile picture was one of her and Tessa on a beach. Bingo.

Her profile also said she was a student here at Millennium. That would make it easier to find and question her. As far as I know, she was the last person seen with Tessa at the party. That made her a strong candidate for Tessa's killer. But her own friend? I guess anything could happen. 


Hey guys,

Hope you like this chapter. Just so you know, chapters in this story are going to be long than the ones in my other 2 stories. They also have more dialogue and more characters. Keep reading! Another update soon.


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