Chapter 12

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Wren's POV

I have to say, the feeling you get when you solve a case never gets old. The adrenaline. The feeling of accomplishment. I live for this feeling. 

The guns that Sam used both traced back to his dad's shooting range with had confirmed for me that they were both stolen. 

It all fit together perfectly. Like a brand new puzzle with no pieces missing. 

I immediately reached for my phone and dialled Cameron's number. I wanted to tell him. I wanted him to be excited with me. But then I remembered. He wasn't mine anymore.

I cancelled the call with a heavy heart. The good feeling was slipping away really fast now. 

Sure, I had solved the case but I had lost my boyfriend in the process. 

Way to kill the mood, Wren.

Now all that I had to do was turn Sam in. Seemed easy enough. I would have Stacey to back me up, along with Lucas if he wasn't up to anything else. Sam would be put in prison, never to hurt another girl again. 

That's why I do this. Justice. Making the world a better place, one condemned murderer at a time.  

I carefully began to put the gun back in it's hiding place. I would do it tomorrow. I figured turning in a murderer would be a really good start to my day. Then I could get to work on fixing my relationship with Cameron.

If there's even a relationship left to fix...

After I finished hiding the gun, I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Sam standing on the other side of the door.

I gasped. Now that I know he killed Tessa, I was painfully aware of what he was capable of. He was incredibly dangerous. I decided not to answer the door. 

"Wren? It's Sam. Can we talk?", he asked as he banged on the door again. 

I kept as quiet as possible and tried to ignore the fact that there was a murderer trying to get in my dorm room.

"Wren I know you're in there", he yelled. "I saw your car outside." He banged on the door again, making it shake and quiver as if it were scared. 

He stopped knocking and suddenly I remembered that I hadn't locked the door. I quickly made my way to the door from the other side of the room, but clearly, Sam had thought of that too.

Before I could get to the door, he swung it open.

"Sam", I said, breathless. "What are you doing here?"

"Why didn't you answer the door?", he asked.

"I-I was asleep. You just woke me up", I lied.

"Your a liar", he whispered. "God knows someone with an active mind like yours doesn't really sleep."

"Excuse me?"

"I came to give you this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. The pen I forgot in his car. The pen that was left where he kept his gun.

I stiffened. "My pen!", I said. "I knew I was missing it."

"Yeah? Well maybe you can help me. See, I'm missing something too."

I tried to act normal. I tried to keep my face neutral. I tried not to give anything away. I was usually  good at that. People always told me I could hide my emotions flawlessly. But right now, I wasn't so sure. 

"What are you missing?", I asked quietly. 

"I think you know", he replied fiercely.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I don't know what you're talking about."

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