Chapter 15

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Wren's POV 

Court was awful. 

Actually, let me clarify: it went very well. The verdict was exactly what we wanted. Sam was put away for life. 

Regina kept telling me that it worked out the way it did because of my contribution. I didn't really care, as long as Sam got what he deserved. 

Sam's father was surprised and mortified to find out the it was his own son that stole the guns from the shooting range. Not only was Sam locked in jail for the rest of his life, but he was also disowned by his family. 

Serves him right.

I had been back in my dorm room for 2 weeks now. I still hated being in there by myself. I never slept well. Bad dreams haunted me every night.

Most of my dreams were about Sam and the attack. But a few were about Cameron and the rescue.

I hadn't spoken to Cameron much since it happened. We were in a really weird place right now. He saved my life and I was grateful but for some reason we both still had our walls up and we guarded ourselves from each other. 

I didn't want it to be like this anymore. I wanted Cameron and I to be back together. But he was distant and I was scared and everything just seemed to be getting in the way.

Cameron's POV

Sam went to jail.

Thank god for that. The tension on campus had started to calm down now that no one was in immediate danger. People were starting to relax again. Not Wren of course. Or me really. 

Wren and me had kept our distance from each other lately. I'm not sure why. Maybe because past tension and issues hadn't disappeared yet. I don't know. It all seemed really messy.

I tend to avoid things that are complicated. So naturally, I would avoid Wren. But she was going through something. Lucas was telling me how she was afraid to be alone. I could understand that. 

The attack was 2 weeks ago. I felt it was time to discuss it with her. 

I decided to go to her room and talk to her. See how she was. I had no idea what I would say or how she would react to seeing me. But I had to take a chance.

I knocked on her door and waited. And waited. I waited for a while. Finally I began to turn and leave, assuming that she was out or something. 

Before I could leave, the door opened and Wren stood in the doorway.

"Sorry", she said. "I was listening to music."

"It's okay", I answered even though I knew she wasn't listening to music. She hated earbuds. She just didn't open the door because she was worried about what might be on the other side. I didn't call her out on it though. Neither of us needed that. 

"Come in", she said, gesturing for me to enter. I walked in and surveyed the room. It felt different than it used to. For some reason, I was put on edge.

"So... how are you?", I asked.

"We don't have to do this", she said as she rested her hip on her desk. 

"Do what...?", I asked.

"We don't have to do avoid the situation. I know why you're here."

"Well then tell me why I'm here, because I'm not really sure."

"You're here because you think we need to talk about things. Important things like the attack and why you were there in the first place."

"You're the genius", I said. "Shouldn't you know why I showed up that night?"

"You'd think so", she answered in a voice that was weary and tired. 

"I came by to fix things. With us. To fix us. You know... make amends", I explained.

"I thought you were done. With us. Why even bother?"

"I'm not exactly sure", I whispered as if it were a secret.

"Remember how you said that I never needed you?", she asked.


"Well don't you see now? I do need you. I would have died that night if you hadn't shown up. Think about that next time you think that I don't need you."

"You know what I think?", I asked quietly.

"What do you think? Tell me."

"I think we need each other. Mutually."

"Know what I think?"


"I think we're toxic. We are never fully compatible and we are constantly chasing each other but somehow it works for us."

Toxic. Toxic. Toxic.

The word replayed in my mind a million times. Of course we were toxic. We destroyed each other, but only to build each other up. It did work for us. I didn't understand how or why, but it did. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"You're probably right", I whispered. She was totally right. We needed each other. But I still had reservations. I think maybe because we would never be stable. Always changing. 

Who says that's a bad thing? 

I smiled at her and she smiled back. A smile full of understanding. 

"I should probably go", I said. I walked to the door and opened it. I was about to leave when her small voice stopped me.


I turned around and closed the door. "Okay."

She came close to me and put her arms around my neck. I held her and we stayed like that in silence for a while. 

You know how they say "everything will be okay"? And nobody believes it because it's quite possibly the biggest cliche ever? Well, it is cliche. And everyone has heard it at one point in their life.

 But it's true. Everything will be okay. I should know, even after a face off with a murderer, everything was okay. And me and Wren were okay. And life just seemed to slow down and right itself for us. And everything was really okay. For once. 


Hey readers,

Here's another chapter. I've update everyday for the past 3 days which has proven to be really productive. Just thought you guys should know that after this story is over, I will probably start writing a Nick Robinson fanfic. Thanks for reading! I will put more up soon.


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