Chapter 6

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Wren's POV

The day after my date with Cameron was the day of Tessa's funeral. I guess they waited so long because they had to wait for all of Tessa's family to fly in. 

Everyone on campus had been invited. I guess they thought it would make a good bonding time for students. You know, we're all in this together or whatever. News Flash: this isn't High School Musical.

No one on campus really cared. I mean some were shaken up of course. A fellow student had died. Of course, they were all under the impression that Tessa had killed herself.

 The dean of students had offered free counselling to anyone who felt like they needed someone to talk to about it which seemed ridiculous because hardly anyone knew her. She did die on the first night of term after all. 

The funeral was held outside in the middle of the courtyard where they had put in a Tessa Winters memorial fountain. People in all black filled the chairs. Lucas and Cameron and I sat in the back and we watched as people who did't even know her wiped tears off their faces. 

I hadn't even wanted to come but Lucas made me. 

"She was your roommate after all, you should probably just go... you know, out of respect.", he had said yesterday.

"What about you?", I questioned. "You didn't like her either. Why are you going?"

"Respect, Wren. Same as you."

So there I was. Sitting in between Cameron and Lucas, waiting for the ceremony to start. 

After a few minutes, everyone started to quiet down and pay attention to the minister who was standing beside Tessa's coffin.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for coming as we celebrate the life of Tessa Winters", he began. People were already crying. "Tessa was a very loved young lady and I think we are all very sad-"

Before the minister could continue, a guy came running, or stumbling, down the aisle between the sets of chairs to one near the front that had a Reserved sign on it. He sat down and immediately pulled out a flask. He winced after taking a few sips. Clearly he wasn't drinking Kool-aid. 

"Wren", Cameron whispered. "That's the guy who tripped on our table at Starbucks yesterday."

I looked closer and realized that Cameron was right. That guy had been at Starbucks yesterday and he had been drinking then too. 

"I wonder how he knew Tessa", I whispered back. 

+ + + + + + + + + +

After the ceremony was over, people started to leave and go back inside the school. 

I watched the mystery guy go. He didn't follow the crowd though. He went towards the dorms. 

"Wren, do you know that guy?", Lucas asked me.

"No, but I feel like I should", I answered.

"Well come on then", he said as he grabbed my elbow and lead me towards the guy. 

"Lucas, what are you doing?", I asked.

"I'm going to introduce you to him."

"You know him?"

"Yes! That is, or was, Tessa's boyfriend. I told you my dorm was next to his."

"That's Sam Blanchard?"


"Wow, he's a mess."

"He hasn't stopped drinking since Tessa died. I guess he really loved her."

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