What am I doing?!

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Georgina's POV


Why did I gave him my freaking number???!!

Gosh I'm so fucking dumb.

I was hitting my head with my fist. Since I got to my room.

My dog was just trying to stop me from hitting myself.

It's now 6:47 pm when I recieved a text from an unknown number.

I swear this is Kish. This is him.,

Unknown Number: 'Hey, uhm about a while ago... '

Me: 'This is Kish, aren't you??? or am I texting or maybe you're texting a wrong number?'

Unknown Number: 'Yeah, This is Kish. Sorry I didn't introduced yet. So yeah about a while ago.'

Me:'Hey! yeah bout awhile ago. So yeah-'

A text came. From Kish-Fish, weird name I know

Kish-Fish: 'You don't need to answer it if you don't want to, I'm fine with it. '

Which only makes my heart melt.

Me: 'Hey! yeah bout _|'...

I slowly deleted the words I'm about to tell.

Me: 'Hey! Kish did you came home safely?? I feel like not attending school tomorrow.'

... Kish-Fish: 'Yeah! What?! nuh uh. You need to go to school tomorrow. It will literally starts tomorrow and you can't skip that.'

He explained. This dude can really sue anybody by his words it has its spell on it.

Me: 'Okay. yeah yeah :D I'm going.'

Fucking shit why am I acting like this. UGH!!!!

[Next Day]

I got to school earlier than yesterday I came 7 o'clock sharp.

I started roaming around the campus. The Field, the gym and the classrooms.

Just remembering every room in here. Until...

I saw a girl about to slice down her wrist!

"STOP!" I ran to her and when she look up to me her eyes were dead and red.

She's sweaty and her emotion is just Wo-TERRIFIED AND DISGUST.

"You can't stop me. Everyone in this school wants me dead, everyone don't even treat me right. So how could you just stop me?! HUH? WHO ARE YOU?! PROBABLY YOU'RE JUST ONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She shouted at me.

"No. Stop. Please don't kill yourself. You don't deserve it." I explained. The blade is just a centimeter from her wrist and within any moment right now she'll just burst out bleeding.

"I don't wanna anymore. All they do is to push me around like a toy. Used me like a fucking slut. Hurt me like some stray dog. I can't stand it anymore. If killing myself is the only answer to escape the pain then so be it. I don't want to go back to my suck up life!!!!" She screamed.

"NO!" I ran to her and pushed her which only made the blade to slice deep in my biceps.

"Wha-What are you doing? You-You shooouldn't do THAT!" She cried more than i expected. She was there sitting beside me not knowing what to do.

"Aw! IGH!" That literally hurts than ever I never thought this will end up like this. I was bleeding. My uniform is just filled with blood which made me look like I just murdered somebody.

The girl was terrified. She's holding the side of her head, Big horrified-teary eyes.

"You should just let me die. Look at what you've done? You hurt yourself and I'm still alive without any pain feeling right on!" Did just really said that. She's blaming me why I was hurt. She's blaming me why she's still alive.

"Would you just fuck off?! Are hearing the words you're saying 'Dead', 'Hurt', 'Pain'? Are you serious or you just bang you head on some wall cause you probably don't know If you kill yourself you're going to be free from the people around you? Grow the fuck up!!! Have you ever thought about you friends, your family. They fucking give a damn fuck to you. They will sacrifice their lives just to keep you happy and safe. They will feel much pain seeing you in pain add more that If you die they could probably just kill themselves. HAVE YOU FUCKING THOUGHT OF THAT? YOU SELFLESS BITCH! If you really want to kill yourself then go. Go as if nobody care, Go as if your parent won't kill themselves for letting you die without knowing. NOW GO KILL YOURSELF!!!" I told her. She was there astonished and still terrified. More or less just a typical face/emotion for a human being after a traumatic incident.

She opened her mouth but closed it after seconds. She probably realized it.

"Now wha-" She cut me off

"I now get it." She said with her head down. "I'm just overacting over things." She's so cold.

"But you can't blame me. I'm just a human too. I get hurt, I feel hurt.' Pain, Death' those are the only thing that can help me get over it. I just don't want to be a piece of shit. I don't want to be a toy, a Slut and more other less a STRAY DOG who's being hurt by anyone else surrounding it." She was crying.

"But I also don't want to see my parent in pain, worried or even crying over my own mistakes. I just can'-" "Stop it. I know how it feels so just leave it to me." I told her and pick her up. I don't know what am I doing all I know is I need to do it.

"Let's get going before some same old shit may just happen again and anyways I'll clean it later.., Leasly. As the name written on your badge. Grade 6, huh? I get it." I smiled to her and she just stared at my face.

"B-but yo-your arm. It's bleeding." She point out to my bleeding arm.

"It doesn't matter as long as i keep you alive and not in pain I'm surely fine." I explained but to be honest it do really hurts but what hurts more is to see somebody feel the way you feel year back then. She's to innocent and young to die.

and then She smiled.


Hello Elliots!!! I finally did it!!!! I finally updated after a month of the 'THANK YOU chapter'

I made a mark of words so I need to do it <3

I was literally crying while doing this chapter. This is so close to me cause it once happen to one of my friends. And I did it. i stopped her. She's now living her life happily. :)

Thank you for reading this story. I also hope you've learned something from every chapter of this story. :DDD

but 4.3k is insane. thank you for making my dreams come true thank you for making this happen.


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