First day of School as a Grade 7

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I ran downstairs.

"Ma, Need to go now!" I said with poker face.

"Aren't you just gonna eat the breakfast, Darling?!" Mom Shouted.

"If I eat I would be late." I answered back while putting on my school shoes. Yes I'm wearing school uniform. The school is called PRIVATE SCHOOL.

"Okay Darling, Take care." I ran to my mom then she take a peek on my cheeks. 

"Bye Gwendolin" I rub her ears and she rub herself in my legs feeling comfortable with my touch. 

I goes out and Jump into my car. I know i'm too young to have my car. I still doesn't have any license but i only use my car when I'm going to school cause remember what happen when I'm still grade 6 right...

I parked my car in an open slot. I goes inside the building and walked down the hallway. Everyone are looking me. 

Is it happening again? Is there any paper at my back AGAIN?!

I rush to the Ladies room and the girls are looking at me.

"You're new here?" Riley said. 





"Ye-Yeah"What the heck. Why did I stutter. I don't even Want them to know me. I don't want to be bullied again NEVER

"You're Beautiful. You can join our group, Girl!" She said in girly tone and I forgot to mention IT'S FREAKING ANNOYING!

"No. No thanks" I said politely and smiled. 

That group is just another Bitchy thing,

I goes to the register office and take my locker no. and Schedule.

I goes to my locker. "Hi! You're New here right?" A guy said . Huh! He's one of them.


I am sitting on the back corner of the room. Our teacher isn't there because he need to do something.

Everyone's throwing crumpled papers and pencils at me.

My glasses fell off. I feel like I's some what Blind. AND I DON"T KNOW WHERE IS IT??

I can't see anything

I felt something... MY GLASSES! I put it on and

I look up and seen a face with its facial features and Familiar smirk. It's Mr. Popular. JONATHAN








He throw a notebook at me and it also got a a pretty good shot. why? I'm HEAD SHOT! Lucky right... Sarcastically speaking

Why wouldn't other stop Jo- Yeah He's POPULAR, DUH!


He's the one, He is Jonathan, The one who all just wanted is to hurt me and bully me. I, I will give back what he have done to me and of how he treated me. "Yeah!" Shocks I hate lying!

"So, What's your name? I'm Jonathan!" He said. He's kinda friendly, #WITHNEWSTUDENTS.

"I'm George, no. excuse I need to go." I said seriously.  Leaving him hanging.

"Hi! Miss Beautiful. I'm Carl, Your future boyfriend" Another guy said whit mathing wink and a flying kiss. EWWWWWW!!!

I turn away from him just like What i did to Jonathan but

His friend stop me by blocking my way. "Don't be so hard to get, I just wanted to know how good are you in bed" He then wink.

"Sorry , I just really need to go" I Try to get away away from him

"No! And If I said No you should not GO!" He snatch my wrist and tighten his grip.

"IF I SAID I. NEED. TO. GO. I. WILL. GO!" I kick his abdomen and punch his face.

One of his friends. I push to the wall and punch his face as hard as I wanted to.

another one of his friend. I Kick in where it really hurts (CROTCH). He fall and squirm from the pain 

"I never want to see your face again, BASTARDS!" I go away from them and Smirk 


See I told ya It's really cute when George gets her revenge but then It doesn't end with that small scene. You will see more Revenge from Your darling George.

If you wanted to know more then keep reading

Happy reading. I will start using swearing word like *FUCK* I know it's kinda bad but it's part of the story :)

-Eli :) <3

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