Meeting Mr. Hemmings.

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Me and Kish we're talking alot about our new teachers.

But suddenly a Girl came up.

"Hi! Kish, Right? I'm Lilibeth But call me Lily for short. I find you cute." She just said that face to face the hell where's her manners.

"Yeah, hehe. Thanks. But why did you come here?" Kish asked. I know that his feeling kinda awkward hearing those words from a girl Directly to him.

"Uhmm... Wanting to know you more? Yeah." She then swiftly hug the arm of Kish with out any warning.

"Do you have Girlfriend? If you don't. I'm just here." She whispered to him. well It's not really whisper cause I could here it over here.

"Uh, Uhhmmm..." Kish Looked at me asking for help. 

But because I'm liking. I mean I really don't like what I am seeing. A girl flirting with somebody she just knew. Fvck sake I want to cut her head off. I shrug and Smirk.

"Don't be pressured. You could either come into my House Later tonight. If you want." Lilbitch said.

"Sorry but I can't make it. I have some important thing to do later." He reason out. And I laugh quietly, But unfortunately Lily and Kish heard me.

The door pushed open revealing Mr. Hemm (Freaking Hot) ings. 

Wait what am I thinking, No! stop it.

"Hello students, Wow you did it. The room still looks like what it is a while ago before I- Hey you two kids stop making out. Your inside the classroom. And supposedly You shouldn't have any contact to each other if you two wanted to graduate." He said Seriously.

Here comes the slutty perverted bitches.

"Why Sir? We all know that you've make out with somebody right?" Lily said. A while ago she's flirting with Kish now she's off to Mr. Hemmings.

"..." He sigh and brought his poker face that is just makes him more Handsome. What the hell Is going on with this school. Why do teacher looks so Hot and Handsome.

"Okay. Where am I a while ago. Oh , Yeah. I'm Mr. Hemmings. Hoping to have a good time with you students." He said with a smile on his face. He Have Dimples!!!!!!!! 

Wait why am I freaking out?!. Ewww.

"You know what Mr. Hemmings You look Young. You look like you're at the same age as ours. Or maybe your a student teacher." A guys said at the back

"The truth is that I'm really a student but because our teacher in  my school says that my Grades are too high for a student he asked me If I wanted to be teacher. And That's already a great oppurtunity so yeah I took it." He told us.

A lot of"oohhh...'s" "woooooow's" were heard among the room. Knowing that Mr. Hemmings is an intelligent Student then.

The other student interview more Mr.  Hemmings Like he's just another new student here.

Some of the girls were giggling because of the cuteness of Mr. Hemmings. 

I admit His really Cute. -.-


Sorry Ladies Your happines is Over.

I goes out of the room with Kish Behind me cause the other girls won't stop leaving him.

I have my break this time. Lovely.

I roam around the campus. Getting Kish out of my mind. He can manage those girls by himself.

I goes to the place where students aren't allowed to enter.

Which is the Rooft top of the Second grade building.

A place where I know no one is goingt o judge me from head to toe. 

Where perverts and Maniacs (Boys and some of the girls) Are nowhere to be seen.

I just stayed there in silence.

When a hand on my shoulder break the peaceful silence.

I looked back and seen MR. HEMMINGS FVCKING HEMMINGS.

"Hey." He said with a smile on his lips.

"H-Hi." I stuttered again Hate it. Why is he even here. No one is allowed to came up here, right?

"I know you were thinking why am I here, though nobody is allowed to came up here." He smirked to what he just said. he maybe thinking now 'Why you George? Why are you here?'

I just stayed silent. He sat down feeling the moment. Where everything is in peace.

I looked at him secretly. The tantalizing blue eyes of him was covered my his beautiful eyelids, His cheeks were slightly pink, He have this pointed nose, A kissable pinkish lips, and a LIP PIERCING?!

"Mr. Hemmings, Why do you have that lip piercing isn't it that is restrictedly prohibited. Even though your a staff or a Teacher of this school." i blurted out.

"I only used this when I am with someone I can rely on for not telling that I wear this kind of Piercing." " And you were looking at me the whole while. Why are you staring at me?" He added.

Okay that feels awkward. I fakely cough.

"I need to go now." I excused.

He held my hand and grip on it firmly.

"You still have 20 minutes more." He reasoned.

I wriggle my hands and snatch it back. 

"I need to go. Thanks." Why did I say 'Thanks' ?

"It's a pleasure to know you have a great time with me." He smiled.


Yes I updated. Just like what I've told last chapter. I will be updating more often.

O ME GED 5SOS is in now!!!!!!!

Even my I am excited with my own story. XDDDD

Happy Reading. :)

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