Spanish Period

959 13 3

Everyone are looking at the window.

I was curious. I looked at the window and seen some people are fighting.

Just like what I was thinking, I have seen Jonathan kicking some guy who's already being beaten up!

Jonathan looked up and seen me. "Hey, Wanna Know Something? I'm doing this for you George!" He shouted and smiled then Continue beating some guy harder.

"Hey" I shouted I open the window & jump jump out. Not minding how high I came from.

I landed on the field. Not caring even though I'm wearing Skirt.

"Nice landing and Nice Legs" He smirk and wink then punch some other guy.

"Like it?" He said still smile plastered in that dirty lips of his. I run towards him and shove him up high by his collar.

"Are you crazy? Do you think I would like seeing someone beaten up without any reason?!" I shouted at him.

His eyes widen cause of that I have shove him Up high even he's huge than me.

Everyone we're surprise that I could do that for an average girl like me they will never expect that kind of strong.

Then I threw him away. As he fell down the ground.

He arrange his uniform like nothing happens. "Nice. I never thought you're strong. You're so Interesting." He smiled. "Shut your Fucking mouth. You piece of shit!" I spat back.

He and his group gone away."This is not the last. Baby George!" He said and fades away.

"What ever, You Idiot!" I answered back

I give a helping hand to the beaten up guy. He take it and stood up.

"Thanks!" Then he go away. "Wait! are you alright?" I ask

"Yeah, No need to worry. You're already late on your class." He said.

I looked at my wrist watched. HE'S RIGHT! Shucks The teacher will get angry with me.

I don't want to get any detention slip. I ran as fast as I could just to catch my subject.

I open the door with out knocking. Everyone we're looking at me

I was panting. "Sorry I'm Late." I said with my head down.

"It's Alright. Take a seat." The Teacher said. I scan the room to find an empty seat luckily I found one at the back.

It take a seat and refresh myself and did a deep sigh.

Later on....

"Adios, Amigos!" Our professor said. "Asta Lavista" The people greeted back.

We still I mean I still have my other subject and it's HISTORY.

Wait I forgot to tell you that I HATE HISTORY even though I have high grade with that subject. I still hate it.

I was about to go out to escape my up coming subject Or Let say I cut my class (FOR THE FIRST TIME)


     Ola  sorry If I didn't update for a long time I have things to do and I have my vacation somewhere and with that I could post something or update bacause there's no internet in the place where I have my short vacation.

But then Please read my story.   And Hope you it. ^-^


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