Chapter 18

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"No one should be in school at this time, it sounded like it came from over there." Footsteps start heading our way and everyone begins to silently panic, squeezing into empty lockers, shuffling in between lockers and walls. My eyes dart around looking for a place to hide but when I see they've all been taken up I freak out. I squeeze my eyes shut tight and wish that I could just disappear. The teachers come round the corner and I re-open by eyes, my back pressed tightly against the lockers behind me.

Can the ground just open up and swallow me whole?

Or maybe the teachers could just tell me hi and walk away without giving me a life time worth of detentions.

Yeah right, like that's gonna happen.

The teachers come to a halt and I see that my guesses on who they were was correct. The teacher from homeroom (Maura apparently), the battle training teacher and the principal all stood in the corridor scanning it with their hawk like eyes.

The battle training teacher starts to skim the wall I'm on with his eyes, my breath catches in my throat and I'm pretty sure my heart has stopped beating.

Then, his eyes land on mine.


Have you ever had that moment where the entire universe seems to stop and time seems to pause? It's like the moment drags on forever when actually you just want it to stop.

That's what happened as soon as his eyes hit mine, I knew I would get in trouble, a lot of it, even more so if they realise what I've heard.

When time starts to play again, his eyes pass me as if I wasn't even there.

Huh? How come he didn't see me? Is his eyesight bad? Or maybe he's just being nice and decided to pretend I wasn't there so I wouldn't get in trouble?

Yeah right, that teacher is the complete opposite of nice, he hates my guts.

The guys start coming out of their hiding places and gather in the middle of the corridor. A few of them start chatting about how scared they were and how cool it is that they're friends with one of the most powerful supernatural beings in existence. I don't even know how I'm supposed to use my abilities so being powerful is way out of reach, but it's always nice to dream.

"Guys, where's Tay?" I hear Honey ask.

"I'm here." I say, walking up to them but they just ignore me.

"I don't know, where did she hide?" Thompson asks, scanning the corridor.

"She was still in the corridor when I hid." Jackson states and there are murmurs of agreement from everyone else.

I step into the centre of the circle, waving my hands and screaming like a mad woman.

"Guys!" I shout.

Everyone's jumps away and screams, all like girls might I add.

"The hell!?" Olly yells, his eyes as wide as a puppy's.

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