I am so sorry

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Okay. Listen. This might sound silly and stupid. But I this is one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time. I have literal tears in my eye, trying my best not to cry. The writers block I have right now is so huge. It is so hard to think of what to do next, because there is not next for Beth and Daryl. Now. I still ship them so hard core, and they would have been so fucking perfect together....
Even with that said, I am going to have to discontinue this Fanfic for the time being. I am so sorry. I know how you guys must feel. I hope that you do not take this personally. I love each and everyone of you so much. But I don't think I have much left for this fic. I had a big story all drawn out, but can't find the words to paint the picture.
This does not mean I won't ever update. Just don't expect it. I will loosely be working on my other fics.
I have a lot going on in my life and lot of things will be changing. Once again, I am so sorry. I feel so shity, but I can't put this off anymore.

If you have any questions. You can contact me at puddles3535@gmail.com

(My co-author had no idea about this. This is my choice.)

I love you

Puddles Out~

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