Chapter 16

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Panic crept up Beth’s spine; she stood there for what felt like forever staring at the stranger. She did not know what to say, let alone what to do. Her first instinct was to grab for her knife, but she had left on the living room… in the other room. 'How could I be so stupid' she said to herself, Beth did not know if she would make a break for her knife, run out of the house completely or just answer the guy. After evaluating the situation, the latter seemed like the best idea.

"Did you not hear me," he said to me with a slight smile. "Who might you be?"

"Beth." she said in a small voice. "My name is Beth Green."

"Well, Miss Green. Might I also ask what you are doing in my house, eating my food, and wearing my sister clothes?"

Beth looked down at her clothes. She felt a bit guilty but pushed aside for now. "Umm. I did not know anyone was staying here."

He squinted his eyes. "Are you alone..."

Beth looked at him for a moment and did not know what to say. If she told him the truth, he might killer her... If she lied he might do even worse. Beth stood there, still, unable to talk.

Her mind raced as she heard a faint noise in the doorway. Lord only knew what he would do to her if she said she was alone but If she lied and Daryl came in she’d be in trouble. Her thoughts were cut by a decaying body that lumbered through the open back door.

"BEHIND YOU." Beth screamed.

The man quickly turned around to face the walker, seconds before it swooped in for a bite. Beth grabbed a small fork that was on the is knife island. She went to plunge her fork into the side of the creatures head but the man didn’t see her and pushed the walker in her direction. Beth managed to bury her fork in the walker’s neck as the walker knocked her off balance. Beth hit the floor hard, and had to act quickly. Teeth snapped at her face, drool from the dead women fell on her and she had to fight the urge of throwing up. She was able to get her foot under the women and push her off long enough to embed the fork in the walker’s temple, sending it sagging lifelessly to the floor.

The petite blonde slammed the back door shut locked it before turned her attention to the strange man who was fighting another walker that wandered in. He was pushed almost all the way back to the pantry. Beth search of an answer on the counters of the kitchen. She saw a rolling pin; she picked it up and thanked God quietly for a substantial weapon. She ran into the pantry holding the rolling pin like a baseball bat and swung hard. After a faint crunch of bone, the walker went limp and fell to the ground.

"Thanks." He said.

Beth nodded to the man and started to head back to the living room. She saw three walkers beat on the door.

"They’re gonna break through." Beth said more to herself.

"We have to get out of here."

But.... Daryl’s face flashed in her mind. "I can't" she said.

"Are you insane." He said and started to grab at her. She snapped her hand away from him. "WE CAN'T STAY HERE."

"AND I CAN'T LEAVE" Beth yelled.

His hands closed around her forearm and tugged her towards the front door. Try as she might, Beth was far too light to protest against a grown man so she did the only thing she could think of. Beth sucked in all the air she could and a loud scream ripped from her chest, hoping that Daryl was close enough to hear.

He let go and she fell to the floor. He then let out a sigh. "I am sorry."

Beth tuned around and saw the butt of his gun come down. She felt a sharp pain and her head started to rattle. She could feel him drag her out of the house and the walker start to swarm around it. After that the world went black.


Daryl was disappointed in the lack of action. Not a walker in miles and it felt as if all the wild life was as dead as the world. He started to slowly head back to the house, not wanting to be out in the dark, but still dreading having to face Beth. He knew he was being unfair, but that was the way things are. There was no denying that he had intense feelings Beth, which made this whole situation a mess.

He sighed and sauntered slowly back to the house, thinking of what exactly he was going to say to Beth. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a Beth’s screams sounding from the house. His heart raced and his blood ran cold as he sprinted to the house.

Three walkers were pounding against the door in hopes of knocking it down to get to the ‘food’ inside. Daryl stealthily raised his bow and shot the one in the back of the head, pinning another up to the house with the same bolt. The other one turned around and started to come after him. He kicked it in the chest and stomped on its head in a cold furry. As he moved closer and closer to the house he saw more and more leak through the woods. 'How had I missed so many' Daryl growled to himself.

The door was bolted, something that Beth wouldn’t do unless she was in trouble. With his bow at the ready he kicked down the back door and entered the kitchen to find Beth.

"Beth!' He loudly whispered to the empty kitchen and no answer. "BETH!'

He searched throughout the house and could not find her. Panic started to set in and his breathing became unsteady. He became completely unstable when he saw Beth's knife sticking out of the table in the living room. When he walked into the kitchen he saw another dead walker beside the pantry. He notice that there were two walkers hunched over eating something on the floor, behind the island. He thought the worst. He slowly looked over not wanting to see what was flashing in his mind.

Daryl almost let out a cry of joy when he saw that they had squirrel tails sticking out of their mouths. But Daryl had not had any warm squirrels in days... He highly doubted that Beth had got them herself. He walked over to the door and notice boot tracks. Both of the walkers in the kitchen had been women in life. He started to piece things together and found out that if was alive then she was not alone. He started to look outside as quick as possible, seeing that walker slowly started to surround that house, Daryl swallowed air and following a set of tracks.

A man… dragging a young woman.

Hope you all like it... more to come soon

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