Chapter Three

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Sorry it is so long...and the yes most of it is from the show...Chapter 5-6 will be almost all me promise...

Sorry for spelling mistake. I am doing this on my Phone

Beth ran as fast as she could, trying her best to keep up with Daryl. He was so much better in the woods then she was and it was practically impossible not to stubble of a something; yet he was able to move through the trees like a ghost.

“I see a car...” Daryl said. “Get what we need then move.”

When they exited the woods he was right about the car, but they did not have time. She did not argue with him but she knew they would be surrounded in less then a minute or two. She went to the front seat and looked around for something useful. Daryl had his cross bow pointed at woods when he she hear the moaning of the dead. He motioned her to come over to him, then helped her into the truck of the car. He with hast wrapped a wire tight enough to keep it shut, then pointed his cross bow at the tiny opening. Beth had her knife close and ready as the walker bumped into the car. She last count after five minutes of non-stop walkers. As they started to increase she started to think that once was going to find out about there hiding spot. I only takes one of them to tell them all where they were and there was no escape plane. If they where found, they where dead. She started to think about all of the things she never got to do.

'Her first Car....Going to college....her first Drink....Getting married...Her first time... Having kids...Grand kids...' If she would die right now she would have done not one of these things. She became antsy and wanted nothing more then to run for dear life. Then the lightning started and the walkers feed of it like a dark energy. One of them bumped into the back the truck causing to to bounce up and down. She readied herself for what was next but Daryl gave her a look to and rasied his his hand...tell her to be quite. She knew that it was going to be a start of a long night


After they where sure every thing walker was long gone he gave to okay to open the trunk. Beth slowly untied the wire would that kept her form freedom. Light washed over he making her squint a bit. Her legs where so stiff that she had to balance herself when she got out. She looked at Daryl for a second expecting him to say something, but nothing left his mouth. He just started gathering materials, and so Beth did the same. After she had everything she thought she would need, she waited for Daryl to finish. He throw a black garbage bag over his shoulder and started walked down the road. Beth watched him for a moment before following him. He did not say anything...they just walked like the day before. It was really starting to get on Beth's last nerve. He did not know why he was mad at her... she had not done anything to him. Was he mad that she lived and not some one else... Does he wish she was dead?

She was lost in a train of though and had not realized that she had stopped. She looked up at him and he nudged his head in a direction that led them back to the woods. She sighed but followed him back into the endless trees. When he got to a spot the was 'nice' to set up camp and started to set up warning traps so they could hear when or if a walker came. She sat down in the little area they where going to stay till he was done. She was surprise to she him walk off without tell her but she did not care at that point. She thought that he was out looking for something to eat so she started a fire. She used a piece of glass and side door mirror that she had found at the car. She quickly dug a whole and put wood in a little pile, then place each piece at the right angle. Once that was done, and Daryl was still gone she set up a little tent that should be big enough for the both of them. 

'Nice and cozy' She thought to herself, and smiled. The smile feel when she realized how inappropriate she was being... She heard something come from beyond the camp. It did not sound like a walker but she still thought it be smart to check it out. She walked up slowly to see Daryl with a short think rope in his hands. It took her a moment to see that he was skinning a snake, and she felt a bit stupid. Beth did not know if he knew she was there, but at the moment she was happy just watching him. He moved quickly, like he did when he ran in the woods. Everything his did in the forest was if he was prepared and born to live in this world. She watched the muscles in his arm move and he pulled off the skin of the snake and took a deep breath. His head snapped up and look behind him; when he saw who it was he went back to work. Beth gave up on 'spying' on Daryl and went back to the camp. He showed up a couple minutes later and started to cook the snake. She has never had snake before and was not to eager to try it, but dare not complain about it. He did not say anything as he cooked the snake... it was getting to the point where Daryl was making her uncomfortable and a little depressed. When the food was done she ate what felt like a healthy amount to keep her alive. It was not that it tasted horrible, she just did not feel like eating. She wanted to do something. She wanted something now to look for because living was not enough to keep her alive. She thought of all the thing she head never done before and went to the once that where reasonable

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