Chapter One

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She fell to the ground, her lungs overworked, her legs on fire, and her heart pumping. A couple seconds she saw Daryl fall down beside her, and looked no much better then she felt. Beth looked up at the sky and saw the smoke clouds roll over; she had to fight everything in her not to cry. This was the second home she had lost due to the zombie apocalyptic hell she had to live it. But she was glad that she was not alone....even more glad that she was with Daryl. He would be able to protect her... She was not stupid and believe that she would be about to face the world by herself. She knew that she needed someone and she just happened to have the most capable person in the world to help her. Once she was able to calm down, she knew that they had to keep moving. To her surprise, no walkers had found them, but she did not want to take that chance. She slowly sat up and looked around over the tall grass. She said that there was a couple walkers near the tree line, and would be not trouble to kill them. But that might attract more and that is the last thing she needed. She crawled over to Daryl, and nudged him on the arm; he did nothing. She poke him a couple more time, and when nothing happened she whispered.

“Daryl, We can't stay here” he said. “Now get your butt up and lets go”

She started to move through the trees as low as she could, and at first she did not think that Daryl was behind her. But she felt him close behind her, his foot steps almost silent, he breath only though his nose, and made cat like motions. With a bit a luck they found and area that was walker free and had a lot of dry wood to start a small fire. The sun was long gone before Daryl got the fire started and he had to use an page from her diary.

“Sleep.” He said. “I will stay up.”

“I don't think I could if I wanted to” Beth said, looking at the embers and flicking flams. He did not say any thing after the for the rest of the night The fire had warmed her on the outside but inside was stone cold. She had just saw her father loss his head, she did not know where her sister or Glenn or Rick or Carl or.... The baby was. She did not know if anyone got out or if her and Daryl where the only ones alive. She close her eye and said a prayed in silent... It would be what her father would do... He would want her to pray.

They sat there in quite for hours. Beth was not even sure if she saw Daryl blink; he just started.... As if he was trying to solve all of the world problems. Beth was trying to remember where everyone one was, who was with who, and if they where able to get out alive. She knew someone beside her and Daryl go out....They had to gave...They just had to!

“We should do something...” Beth said. Daryl did not look up at her, so she said it louder “We should do something!”

He made no movement; he did not even look up a her

“We aren’t the only survives.” Beth said. “We can't be.”

She waited for an answer, but nothing came. “Rich, Michonne... They could be out here”

“Maggie and Glenn could have made it out of A-Block.” He looked up at her, but said nothing.

“They could have!” Beth was starting to get frustrated

She got up and walked over to him. “Your a tracker... You can track.”

He still made no movement “Come on!”

“The sun will be up soon.. if we head out now we can-” Beth knew that it was a lost cause and she would have to put matter in her own hands

“Fine!” she said in frustration. “If you want. I will!”

She grabbed her large knife out of the ground and gave Daryl on final look before heading of into the woods. She did not hear him come up to her, but about ten minutes later she saw him walking along side her, his eyes glued to the ground. It was still a little bit dark out so it was hard to see, and the fact she really did not know what she was looking for made it ten times harder. Beth though about asking Daryl but did not fell like talking to him at the moment

They walked slowly into the wood, closer and closer to the prison. After the sun rise was long on and done Daryl found something.

“It could be Luke's or Molly's...Who ever they are, they are alive.”

Daryl shook his head. “No; This means that they where alive four or five hours ago.”

“They are alive” She snapped and walked off following the tail of foot prints. She ended up on a dirt path that looked liked it was use for four-wheelers, and she followed it till she got to a grape vine. She knew that they needed food, and if they found someone they would probably be hungry as well.

“They pick up the pace right here” Daryl said as she pick some grapes. “They got out in a hurry.... Things went bad”

“Would not kill you to have a little faith” Beth said.

He huffed in a breath. “Faith? Faith didn't do shit for us. Sure as hell did not do anything for your father.”

Beth snapped her head around to see Daryl looking the other direction. When there eyes met she though she was going to cry or yell or say something she did not mean, but she did non of these things. She turned back toward the grapes and started pick fast.

“They are going to be hungry when we find them.” She said.

She had nearly ten or so in her hand when she felt a tap on her arm. She did not look at him at first, but when he tapped the second time she turned to see him with a bandana in his hand. She took it and there eye met for a second. It was as if he said sorry to her without words. Beth put the grapes in the bandana and went back to picking. Daryl sighed and started following the tracks again.

They come across two dead walkers, side by side on the ground. Daryl walked over and looked at a leaf, then sighed.


“That is not walker blood” he said.

Beth looked ahead. “Well the trail keeps going maybe they fought them off”

“Naw; there are walker tracks all up and down here. At lest a dozen of then” Beth was about to say something but she heard a of a twig breaking and pulled out her knife. She looked around but could not fine it.

“Where is it?” She said, then she felt the cold dead hands on her body. She screamed and tried to get away but it was no good. Daryl lifted his cross bow up and was about to shot. Beth tried to hold still but it was not going to happen with out her getting bit. Daryl sighed and ran up, pulling the walker off of the girl. They both fell to the ground and Beth found her knife on the ground. She rushed over driving the knife through it's head, then Daryl through it to his left. He jumped to his feet and pointed in to direction to go.

They walk for a short distance before finding a railroad track, and a pack of walkers. They did not even look at them because the walkers had a meal already. Beth paused as he watch Daryl kill all three of them and then see saw the boot. 'He was right...They are dead' she though 'We are alone'.

She looked down at the bloody mess and the bit a people and the dead walkers... She though about there lives and what where they before all of this. She though about the other people in the prison and though maybe they are just like this.... a mess of blood and guts.

She let out a cry that turned to a sob quickly. Daryl looked at her and nodded they way to go, but she was froze. He started looking walking down the tracks but stopped when he saw Beth was not moving she was just crying....

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