Chapter Six

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Beth and Daryl used that day to find some place they could stay for a long time. They both thought it would be a good idea to have a place to rest for a couple days, regain there thoughts and find some more supplies. Beth followed behind Daryl like she always did, but she did not have to worry about the odd tension between them. Because there was nothing to be tens about. They both had gotten all of everything off of there minds.

Beth was not paying much attention to where they where going, so she had no idea that Daryl had stopped. She bumped right into his back.

He looked at her with a small smile. “Are you still drunk?”

He punched him on that arm and looked around. “Why are we stopping.”

Daryl swung his bow over his shoulder and said. “I found out spot.”

“In the middle of the woods?” She said, looking for what she had missed. When Daryl looked up, Beth followed his eyes. There was a small room, almost like a tree house right over them. It looked as if no one had been in there for years. 'That is because no one has been in there for years, stupid' she thought to herself. Daryl walked over to the rope later that was attached to the tree and gave it three strong pulls. He started to climb up and Beth was right behind him.

“Wait for me down here.” he said.

“No fun” Beth said, but did as she was told. It did not take Daryl long to reach the top of the tree house. Beth waited till he gave the okay, and she started up. She was much slower the Daryl was, but she know that it was not her fault.

“Hurry up, Beth!” He snapped, and Beth was shocked. She was going to say some smart ass comment when she heard a snap. The world started to fall around her, and she could feel the latter twist. She was about to scream when a hand found her writs. She looked up to Daryl grabbing on to her. He started to pull her up. When he was able to grab on to the platform the of the tree house she helped him get her up. She let out a deep breath and looked at how high she was. If he had not of grabbed her when she would be really hurt, probably dead.

“Thanks.” She said.

He shrugged as if it was nothing. “It's nothing.”

“Well now we are up here. How are we going to get down.”

He bent down. “You only snapped half of the latter. I can fix it.”

She sighed. “Who puts a tree house in the middle of know where anyway?”

“It's not a tree house.” He said with a laugh. “It's a hunting stand. A well made on too.”

“Not that well made” Beth said.

He looked at her. “You just have to stop eatting all of the cheese burgers.”

Beth's mouth dropped. “Are you calling me fat, you shit head.”

“I would never say that... To your face.”

She went to punk him in the arm but he block her. She tried again and he blocked her again.

“Don't pull your arm back so fare, and put all the force in one sold sing.” He said. “You also kinda have to aim.”

“Thanks for the tip” She said and then punch him (like how he just showed her) in the shoulder. “Better.”

“Much.” He said smiling down at her.

It hit did not hit her how close they were till then. Only inches away...


Daryl looked down at her as she smiled up at him. Her eyes got the slightest twinkling in them that he loved so much. She looked like old Beth, but different. In a good way. After what they shared last night he could never look at her the same.

'You are being a perv... Back off!' he screamed at himself. He took a deep breath and broke the connection between them. He walked into the small room and could hear Beth follow.

“This is a little much for a hunting stand.” she said looking around.

“Probably used it to get away from the family for a couple days.” he said. “There is a old mattress and blankest in the box over there. Not to mention.” He said and kick a beer bottle.

“I don't know how someone could do that.” She said.

“Do what?”

“Want to get away from your family.”

“Well,” he said. “It's different now.”

“Not even that. I could not stand it when Maggie left for college.”

Daryl sighed, and with his back to her he said. “Not all family's were like yours.”

“Like mine?” She said.

“Happy.” He said. He did not want to look at her, because he knew what he had said was harsh. He did not mean it that way, but it was the truth.

“It's not to late...” She said.

“For what?” he asked.

“To have a happy family.” She said with a bit of hesitation in her voice.

Daryl turned around and looked at her for a moment. She took a step closer to him so that he had to back up against the wall of the room. She looking at him with wanting eyes.

Daryl swallowed. “What do you mean.”

“I mean that there is a still a chase that Rick is out there... He could of gotten the group together... What was left of them.” as the words left her mouth Daryl felt himself deflate. Did he really think that she meant with him... be a family with HIM. He was being unreasonable. He did not realize that Beth was still waiting for an answer. She looked do hopeful... he knew that it was a slim chance anyone was alive. But he could not disappoint her anymore.

“Okay.” he said and her face lit up. “But, we are going to stay here for a couple days. We are going to get well rested, and get some sleep before going off to search for people that might not be out there.”

She throw her arms around his waist. She was so short compared to him up close. He rested his arms on her shoulders, trying his best not to smile. She was just so damn cute. 'Stop it!' He yelled to himself once more

“They are out there... They have too be.” She said to him. He did not have to look at her face to see that she was smiling.


Beth held on to Daryl for a bit longer then she needed to, but he did not seem to mind. She knew that it was stupid to believe someone was out there. But she had to thing of something to say for her almost slip up. 'He is not going to want to make a family with you! Are you stupid. He thinks of you as a child' Beth's reality said to her. She could not help but have a thing for Daryl. She has had a thing for him ever since they arrived at the prison. He was smart, and funny, and on a good day he was very kind. She had never acted apon it because he was one of her fathers best friends.

'So not your fathers dead you and whore around?' She said to herself. 'he would be so proud.'

After that she pulled away from him. He had a soft smile on his face and looked down at her with puppy eyes.

“What are you thinking about.” She asked.

“Nothing...” He said and looked away from her. Beth caught Daryl by the wrist and looked back at him.

“No... Really what's on your mind?”

He sighed. “I wished there are more people in this world like you.”

“Dido” Beth said with a smile.

The both spent the rest of the day in the tree house/hunting stand just relaxing. They had not seen a walker in a whole 24 hours.

Sorry that it is a bit short. I really need to stop making new fanfics... But I am writing this one. Another two Black Veil Brides Fanfic, a Supernatural Fanfic, a personal story, A 1D Fanfic (It is for a friend, don't get the wrong idea), a Salem Fanfic (It's a very new show and I think that i would be the first person to write one on Ao3! :) ), and I was thinking of a Cryaotic (Yes the YouTuber, Cry) fanfic. Along with this one and school, I have a lot of stuff things going on. 

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