Chapter Four

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Beth walked through that wood about five passes behind Daryl. At first he did not say anything. He started walking through the woods; from what Beth could tell he was not going back to the previous camp, but Beth did not know. When she walked with him he seemed a bit more calm... She did not know it if he was better now after the killing of walkers, or if he was just better. In all reality just she felt like she knew nothing anymore.

“So, where are we going” Beth asked,

“To get you your drink.” He said. “I have the perfect place.”

“Where is it.”

“Just up ahead.”

“Oh.” She said. She did not want to stop talking because it this was the most they have ever spoken in what felt like forever. “A motorcycle mechanic”


“That's my guess. For what you were doing before the turn. Did Zack ever guess that one?”

“It don't matter. Hasn't mattered for a long time.”

“It's just what people talk about, you know, to feel normal.”

“Never felt normal to me.” He said as they started to come to a clearing with a shack. “Found this place with Michonne.”

“I was expecting a liquor store.” Beth said as they walked up.

Daryl looked at her and for a split second she though that he might of smiled. “No, this is better.”

They walked into the shack that turned out to be a house. It was a mess inside but Beth was not sure if it was because the world ended or this is just how it was. Daryl walked into the kitchen and grabbed a jar with clear liquid in it. He found a glass and blow out all of the dust before pouring her a small amount.

“What is it”

“Moonshine” he said, fear went through her. “Now that is a real first drink right there”

She started at the drink then looked back up at him. 

“What's the matter?”

“Nothing... It's just... well, my father always said that bad moonshine could make you go blind.”

He looked out the window. “there is nothing out there worth seeing”

She took a deep breath then brought it up to her mouth. It hit her like a ton of brinks but she tried her best not to let it show. It tasted like a mixture of water down rubbing alcohol and old wheat. 

“That is the most discussing thing I ever tasted.” Daryl let out a little chuckle that warmed her soul. “The second round is better.”

“Slow down” He said.

She looked up at him. “No, I am good”


“Someone has to keep watch” He said,

“So, what, you're like my chaperone now?” She said lifting the cup up a bit.

He sighed and said. “Just drink a lot of water.”

“Yes Mr. Dixon” She said and throw down the rest in the cup. She was wrong the second round is was NOT better. She waited and watched as Daryl started to settle down. He found a piece of wood and pin it up on the window so nothing could see in. Beth walked over and saw this huge ash tray in the shape of a bra.

“Who would walk in a store and leave with this?”

“My dad, that's who” he said, and Beth felt bad. He must have been reading her face. “Oh, he was a dumb ass. He would sit it on the TV and use it as target practice”

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